This post serves as my personal record of what has been done to the uninoculated population in Singapore between April 2020 and April 2022.
Has "SafeEntry" made Singapore a safer place? As a matter of fact, SafeEntry came before the drive to inject the mass population with an experimental gene-altering drug. People were forced to install the TraceTogether app on their phones, without which they could not check in to shopping malls and other places, including places of worship such as churches (yes, you heard that right!!).
Before the TraceTogether app was the QR code whereby you scan it from your phone and it'll take you to a check-in site to check-in, but the earliest form of TraceTogether was using our Identity Cards. Initially, both the inoculated and the uninoculated could check in via SafeEntry (QR Code, TraceTogether) without discrimination. Then came the inoculation drive to jab the mass population, and soon after that, the VDS (Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures) came into operation which discriminates against the uninoculated.
Before their permanent bar from shopping malls and other places under VDS, there was a temporary "safety net" (concession) for the uninoculated through the ART test i.e. those tested negative may access the conveniences under VDS via SafeEntry, but that "privilege" only last 24-hours. Then within a short few months, on Oct 2021, that was when the inoculated population has reached a significant percentage, the Singapore government announced that the uninoculated may no longer enter into shopping malls and other places under VDS, not even if they have been tested COVID-negative.
The uninoculated can't even have a meal in the hawker centres and coffeeshops as those places were all classified under VDS. The Singapore government call it "removal of concession". Not too long after that, the uninoculated were also completely barred from entering libraries, museums, zoos, hotels etc as the VDS continued to expand its sphere of tyranny.
Came Nov 2021, and that was the month when the Singapore government announced that the uninoculated will no longer qualify for subsidies and insurance should they insist on staying pure. In MOH’s own statement on 8th November 2021: “We are taking A STRONGER STANCE against those who choose not to be vaccinated, be it through the VDS, or by requiring them to pay for their medical bills.”
Finally, came the “No Jab No Job” announcement by the Singapore government on Dec 2021 which effectively coerced the remaining 52,000 uninoculated population to take the jabs or lose their jobs. It started from the public sector, but the sphere of tyranny soon expanded into the private sector. That means that the uninoculated could no longer enter into their workplace to make a living since workplaces are also classified under VDS. Inoculation used to an option. It was supposed to be voluntary, but the government has made it quasi-mandatory.
Again, they call it "removal on concession" and in their own words “this change will help PROTECT UNVACCINATED INDIVIDUALS and create safer workplaces for everyone.” Yes, you heard that right: the money-minded Singapore multi-millionaire PAP ministers actually care for the uninoculated minority, so much so that they will prevent them from making a living in order to keep them safe!!
“Up to June 2021, the establishment still uphold the basic human rights of Singaporeans. Vax status is considered our privacy.
Singapore employers cannot require staff to disclose vaccination status unless necessary
How did this deteriorate into requirements to show our vax status to be admitted into University courses, shopping malls, and eventually the evil No Jab No Job WITHOUT a single protest voice in Parliament?
This is especially bewildering when the Jab has proven statistically to be totally ineffective in preventing infection and transmission!
It's really a dysfunctional system we have here, totally devoid of human logic and common sense.” — Goh Meng Seng
Well, what is the takeaway from this unforgettable episode in the history of Singapore? Let us not forget that all these started from SafeEntry, and this is the technology that has undoubtedly helped the Singapore government impose medical tyranny against the people and forced many Singaporeans and permanent residents to inject themselves with doses of dangerous experimental drugs into their bodies (against their will) that could potentially be causing harm to their health, and all these done in the name of public health and safety.
They call it "Vaccination Differentiated Safe Management Measures" (VDS) and it is supposed to be for the protection of the uninoculated but the spirit of why they are doing this clearly does not proceed out of a duty of care for us, the uninoculated. Think about what the uninoculated has been deprived off in the past 2 years or more, all in the name of protecting them from a “virus.”
"There's no greater tyranny than one perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice." — Charles de Montesquieu
In the past, when the Japanese invaded China, there was also a form of "differentiated measures" in place, but the Japanese invaders were far more honest than the lying politicians of today who practice a form of open discrimination but call it by another name. The people then were far more likely to rebel because it was clear to them who the enemies were and what they stood for.
Psalms 55:21 "The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords."
Today, the enemy has gotten a lot more cunning. He came in the name of righteousness, but his hidden agenda was to destroy. After all, It is so much easier to destroy if the people don't resist and won't resist. The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart. Yea, his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.
Someone remarked that I was unforgiving towards the government. My reply to him: If God won't forgive them, I won't forgive them. Below are some “never-forgets” I would like to keep in this post for remembrance. I will always remember the discrimination against the inoculation-free by the Singapore PAP government. Will never forget it till my last breadth on earth. Never ever forget…
Never forget #1:
Never forget #2:
Never forget #3:
Never forget #4:
Never forget #5:
Never forget #6:
Never forget #7:
Never forget #8:
Never forget #9:
“Adrian Tan may be dead now but the law society is not and I hope they will make statements to pacify people and to right the wrongs from these insensitive, outrageous remarks.” — Iris Koh
Never forget #10:
Never forget #11:
Never forget #12: