Will ye also go away?
Pharaoh King of Egypt
Pharaoh King of Egypt (Part 38)
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Pharaoh King of Egypt (Part 38)

MP3 article voiceover included

This post continues from where I have left off at Pharaoh King of Egypt (Part 37), where I have discussed the fraternal spirit of Freemasonry and the masonic symbols hidden in plain sight signifying to us what they represent. A key verse revealing what the Devil is doing to bring about a change is this:

2 Thessalonians 2:9 "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,"

This verse tells us the working of Satan will be accompanied by signs. Signs are symbols signifying or pointing to something. They carry a message from the originator. Symbols are by themselves a form of language, transcending every language in this world. It doesn’t matter what language you speak, everyone recognize symbols. They are the basis of a universal language that everyone understands, linking the current world back to the time of Babel where the whole earth was of one language and one speech.

Accordingly to Manly P. Hall, symbolism is the language of the mysteries that enables communication between men whose thoughts transcend the limitation of language. We know that the Devil is at work to bring about a change, and it is through this universal language call symbolism that he speaks to the world. That’s why we have so many strange occult symbols everywhere, and they are all pointing to a mystery which is unveiling itself over time. It is the work of the Devil. In fact, the LORD also spoke through the signs and wonders he did in the land of Egypt during the time of Moses.

Exodus 7:3 "And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt."

This verse tells us that God too, will speak through signs. For sure, God did not speak to the Pharaoh in the common language of men. He communicated to the Pharaoh through the signs and wonders he performed in the land of Egypt. That was a means of communication that transcend the barriers of a language, so that his message was understood by the Pharaoh what he was about to do. There was a clear and consistent message from the LORD embedded in each of these plagues, “let my people go,” that the Pharaoh understood, even though he did not relent until the last plague of the firstborn, to only change his mind later and pursued the children of Israel to the Red Sea.

Psalms 33:4 "For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth."

The word of the LORD is right, and all his works are done in truth. That includes the signs and wonders he hath shown in the land of Egypt. God said it, and it will be done exactly in the way he said it, just like how he asked the Pharaoh to “let my people go,” and he sent the plagues according as he said he would if the Pharaoh refuse. God gave the signs and he performed the wonders according as he said he would. He did not lie. All his works are done in truth. Compare this to the “signs and lying wonders” of the Devil in 2 Thessalonians 2:9. The Devil is a counterfeiter. Just like God, he also speaks through signs, but the wonders he performed are “lying wonders.” What are lying wonders? Lying wonders are like what Jesus tells us in this verse:

Matthew 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

The aim of lying wonders is to deceive. That means the true intention is concealed behind a false narrative. No doubt the Devil is capable of performing wonders, but his aim is to deceive, and if it were possible, even God’s very elect. Just like how God used Moses to shew his signs and wonders, the Devil too, will use his false Christs and false prophets to do the job. In fact, we have an example of that in the 9/11 incident:

Do you believe in the official story of the 9/11? Well, I don’t. I believe that the 9/11 was a badly orchestrated inside job as opposed to the official narrative which claims that it was an act of international terrorism. What was their true motive? If the truth be known, the 9/11 was a Hegelian Dialectic maneuver branded as an act of international terrorism so that the government could legally and righteously impose unlawful surveillance on the people. It was a Problem-Reaction-Solution plot by the global elites to put a handle on liberty, to allow them to impose unjust laws on the general citizenry in the name of combating terrorism. Unbeknownst to some, there were already many telltale signs of the Devil’s plan prior to 2001/09/11 indicating what he was about to do. Have you ever come across articles showing how the Simpsons predicted the 9/11?

Predicting 9/11 was an ‘insane coincidence,’ says ‘The Simpsons’ showrunner

Look at the symbolism in this Simpsons cartoon. This episode of the Simpsons was premiered in 1996, long before the 9/11 incident took place in 2001. How did the creators of the Simpsons got to know the future? Moreover, they aren’t the only ones who have predicted the 9/11. There were in fact many such “predictions” long before the 1996 Simpsons episode, from different sources, and all of them featured the same idea.

How did they figure out the reality which was to happen in 2001/09/11, long before it actually took place? We find an explanation of that in 2 Thessalonians 2:9 which tells us that the working of Satan will be accompanied by “signs and lying wonders.” Do you recall in Part 37 of this series of messages, the term “Ascended Masters?” There are very evil and powerful people out there who possess the ability to communicate with devils, called the Hierarchy, and act as mediums between the natural realm and the spiritual realm. These people are living among us, and are responsible for the so-called “coincidences” we just read about. In fact, it was not just the cartoons, but the same idea was also reverberated on 1990/09/11 when President George H Bush first gave a speech about the New World Order.

Bush said: “out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a New World Order — can emerge: a new era.” Very resounding words, and a very coincidental date that was, when President George H Bush announced the New World Order. Then exactly 11 years later, on 2001/09/11, the 9/11 incident took place. Not just that, but there were also quite a few other interesting coincidences that accompanied the 9/11 pointing to the number 11, such as these:

  1. September-11 is 9/11. Count: 9 + 1 + 1 = 11.

  2. September-11 is the 254th day of the year. Count: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.

  3. New York is the 11th state of the USA.

  4. The WTC Twin Towers bears the pattern of the number 11.

  5. The WTC Building 7 was 47 stories tall. Count: 4 + 7 = 11.

  6. American Airlines Flight 11 was one of the domestic passenger flight that crashed into the Twin Towers.

  7. There were 92 people on board American Airlines Flight 11. Count: 9 + 2 = 11.

Recall in Genesis 11 where the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech? Babel was a prototype of a One World Order. The 9/11 incident was the Devil’s way of communicating his plan of a New World Order to mankind. He gave the signs and performed the wonders. The official narrative calls it an act of international terrorism, but for a spiritually discerning mind, we know that the true motive of the 9/11 was to bring the world one step closer to the mark of the beast, by legalizing unlawful surveillance and making it a necessity in our daily lives. That’s why Paul calls it “signs and lying wonders” in 2 Thessalonians 2:9. In fact, we also have an example in the bible, how the Devil was capable of giving a sign and bringing to pass his wonders. Consider this verse:

1 Samuel 28:19 "Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the LORD also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines."

This passage of scripture was about a familiar spirit which pretended to be prophet Samuel. He predicted King Saul’s death, and it really came to pass in 1 Samuel 31:6 as what was earlier predicted of him and his sons. It is to be noted that this familiar spirit was not the spirit of Samuel, but one which pretended to be Samuel. Familiar spirits can work through people, just like how the woman which hath a familiar spirit could communicate between the natural realm and spiritual realm. In the same way, these familiar spirits can work through the Ascended Masters who in turn are responsible for communicating the Devil’s plan to the world through the Simpsons, through the politicians, through Hollywood or other forms of public media. The Devil can certainly forecast his plans and make them happen. But unlike God, Satan is neither omniscient nor is he omnipotent. However, to a certain extent, he could perform the wonders which he signified that he would do, but the aim is always to deceive. His true intention is always being overlaid by a false official narrative which he presents to the public through his false prophets down the Hierarchy serving in the Fraternal Order made up of politicians, educators, doctors, scientists, attorneys, bankers, etc, basically the powers running the country. It is through the Fraternal Order that the Devil gets to implement his plans for mankind. Paul tells us in:

Ephesians 2:2 "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:"

This verse tells us that there is a spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience and is causing them to walk according to the course of this world, according to the Devil’s plan for mankind. We find plenty of evidence of that in the 9/11 incident, and also the more recent COVID19 scamdemic.

Do you remember that the COVID19 virus was originally called the “Wuhan virus?” Interestingly, there was a book published in 1981 called “The Eyes of Darkness” which says that in the year 2020, a virus called “Wuhan-400” will spread across the globe and cause lung issues and other things. How did the author of this book know in advanced an event that was going to happen many years down the road? How was the author able to predict with such accuracy, down to the very details, the event that was going to take place 40 years from the year the book was published? I have no doubt it was through the same mechanism as the 9/11 incident we have discussed earlier. Also, do you remember there is a theory about Chaos known as the “Butterfly Effect” which teaches that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system? The whole concept was imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon in a faraway location. In like manner, a thing as small as a virus which origin was allegedly from a fish market in Wuhan China is capable of producing an exponentially large impact on every single living person in the whole wide world. No doubt this tiny little virus which was allegedly originated in Wuhan China has changed the entire landscape of this world, just like what the “Butterfly Effect” (Chaos Theory) has predicted. Interestingly, German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche developed the idea “out of chaos, comes order,” and this idea of a New World Order was imprinted on the Great Seal of every US dollar, under the unfinished pyramid supporting a masonic all-seeing eye.

The COVID19 scamdemic happened between 2021 and 2023, and the COVID virus was a form of corona virus. Interestingly, the word “corona” bears the pattern of the number ‘666,’ which is the number of the beast. Was that a coincidence? Also to take note is the timeframe of the COVID19 plandemic, between 2021 and 2023, which adds up to the number ‘666.’ Was that another coincidence? Nope, my dear readers. That only goes to show that those were not coincidences, but more like an evil spirit working behind the scenes, directing the course of events and leaving behind symbols as clues hidden in plain sight signifying their diabolical plans, deliberately, as if they are mocking humanity. There are also some other signs with the COVID19 plandemic,and I have shared my findings in other articles such as the ones below:

Another one:

Just like the 9/11, the COVID19 scamdemic was a “lying wonder” by the Devil. The official narrative states that COVID19 was a global pandemic of the coronavirus disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), declared to be a pandemic on 11 March 2020. By December 2020, the first mRNA COVID19 vaccines were made available, and within a few short months, they were approved by the FDA and CDC and adopted by governments around the world to be rolled out to the general citizenry. It was then, that millions upon millions of people unanimously enrolled themselves into the biggest biological experiment ever in the history of mankind. For the first time in human history, they started tampering with our genetic codes on a global scale, and that was done in the name of emergency and the need to protect everyone from a so-called deadly virus. Unicef even put out a statement that “no one is safe until everyone is safe — why we need a global response to COVID19” on 24-May-2021.

Soon, politicians became preachers of love preaching “love thy neighbour, get vaccinated.” The enemy came in the name of love with a universal message “it’s for your safety.” They pretended to care. They even went as far as to set up a compensation structure for vaccine-injured, pretending to give the people a safety-net. More and more people caved in to their demands. That was also around the time when the COVID19 vaccines changed from being an option to a mandate. All of a sudden, every country started adopting the No-Jab-No-Mall, No-Jab-No-Church, No-Jab-No-Sports, No-Jab-No-Job and such policies, and implemented them on the general citizenry. In order to implement the global tyranny, they must all work off the same script. The COVID19 scamdemic was politically-driven no doubt, because governments around the world were doing the same things, more or less. They made it looked like they were just reacting to a pandemic they called “an act of God,” however, to a spiritually discerning eye, we know that all these were just a cover for their hidden agenda. Their real intention was for the people to turn over their bodily autonomy to them, so that they get to decide what goes into their blood stream, but they won’t say that upfront. Just like the 9/11, the purpose of the COVID19 scamdemic was to bring humanity one step closer to the mark of the beast. It was the same Devil at work, with all power and signs and lying wonders. To continue in Part 39.

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