Great post with great points. People also said to me about the clot shots.. 'To not get them is to tempt God'. The great irony of course, is that to take a covid shot is to tempt God - as it's asking him to protect you from the harm of voodoo medicine. As for me and my house - we continued to mingle with the world during the fake pandemic, and laid our hands on any sick that they would recover.

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Oct 12Edited

Thank you for this and for your courage. With my limited knowledge of scripture, I held onto the simple but pure fact that the Holy Spirit was guiding me to not take the shots. I am forever grateful that I chose to listen, and to reaffirm that all I have is because of Him. Bless you and all who choose to be guided by Him and resist the temptation of evil. I never felt so much evil as I did at the onset of that time. Many have turned back to the Lord; He gave many strength to endure and to stay strong. 🙏🏼

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