Dr. Rima Laibow – "The Culling of the Useless Eaters" – True Story – Globalist Agenda (Republished with Edition)

Preface: Time for the culling. It's time for the useless eaters to be culled. This is yet another piece of evidence that the pandemic was planned for the purpose of mandated Vaccinations. The vaccinations are not equal, but a small few will have live viruses — bioengineered viruses that will cause enough illness to have a real pandemic, not like the fake one controlled by the media in 2020. The survivors will be infertile. Dr. Rima Laibow says if we rebel the military will put us in concentration camps for our "safety" and the "safety" of the public. Who is behind this? There is a Council of 7 men who are above the Bilderberg's who make the decisions on everything, including which economies prosper. These people have no affiliation to a nation, religion, political party and they have their own rules and they make our rules. They want to reduce population by 90%. The dirty little secret is that we have the REAL Power. They do not want us knowing this.

See the Interview of this here:  Dr. Rima Laibow – "The Culling of the Useless Eaters" - True Story - Globalist Agenda (bitchute.com)

Dr. Rima Laibow has practiced medicine for 52 YEARS with OUT EVER prescribing a Pharmaceutical Drug. **WOW** This could of been titled "The Culling of the Useless Eaters" as you will see.

Every Pharmaceutical Drug works the same and it destroys the Enzyme System. How are you helping anyone if you poison enzyme systems? Don't ASK Questions is what her medical teacher said.

She made a VOW to HELP people rather than poison them. She practices NON-TOXIC medicine with Frequency medicine, vitamin and mineral therapy, Biofeedback with WEEKLY Miracles and people came to her from all around the world and becoming well after seeing many other doctors. Word spread and spread and more and more came. She treated the Elite even. A head of state came to her with chronic health issues.

This particular Head of State said one day "It's almost time for the Great Culling to begin, the culling of the Useless Eaters." This was in 2002.

Henry A. Kissinger quote: The elderly are useless eaters.

Dr. Rima asked "What's a Useless Eater?"

Head of State: "Not what my Dear, Who - those people who are consuming our Non-Renewable Resources."

Dr. Rima: "How many of these Useless Eaters are you Planning on Culling?"

Head of State: "90%"

"90% of what?"

"90% of the Total World Population."

Dr. Rima said: "But your enormous fortune amounts to selling massive amounts to the masses of people, without these people, how are you going to maintain your massive fortune?"

Head of State: "Oh you really don't understand, do you my Dear?" "The mercantile era, which began in the 14th Century with the Hanseatic League in Germany is coming to an end, we are moving to a Neo-Feudal Era, there will be us, the Neo-Aristocrats at the top, surrounded by our servants and servators and around them our technicians and that entire pyramid only requires 10% of the population."

So the Head of State left and was Cured and she also brought her Children to Dr. Rima.

Dr. Rima immediately knew there was a secret reality that she was never aware of.

Dr. Rima says she is a true psychopath and was Raised to be a Psychopath and has no connection, feeling or affiliation with anyone or anything other than his or her well being. The only thing that matters to these people is their own perceived self interest. They have created a MIRROR and we do NOT see them, we see their CONSTRUCT which can be Spectacular to us. They have us FOOLED. They are INVISIBLE to us because we cannot Imagine such a person, we just can't unless we are CONSCIOUS to how they are.

“Most people prefer to 'believe' that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” — Michael Rivero

One day Dr. Rima found a paperback book in her mailbox from Canada called "The Science of Ponerology" meaning the Study of Evil. The understanding of evil, how it is attractive, why it has sway. It was difficult to read as it was translated from Russian to Czech to German to English and so forth. The essence is this: A Psychopath is INVISIBLE to a Normal Person.

Dr. Rima wrote to that address but it wasn't a real address so she has no idea who sent that book to her.

This women told her what the plan was. She went searching and discovered the terms that she used were terms of ART of Nazi Germany. She also discovered that the Germans had begun their extermination campaign long BEFORE WWII.

The person who had the idea for Ethnic Cleansing or Eugenics was John D. Rockefeller Jr. He sponsored this and was a phenomenal racist. He sponsored the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes, one in Munich and one in Berlin, prior to WWII. He sponsored the “Scientific” Study of Eugenics / Ethnic Cleansing.

It was believed for the Good, Safety and Health of the Population it was important to CLEANSE those who were a contamination to the Society, in today’s terms those who are UN-Vaccinated.

IN the Rockefeller study the Useless Eaters were the ones labeled who were going to bring down the health of the German people.

EVERY Modern Totalitarian System has Co-opted the Medical System that it had access to and used the Medical System to bring about its Totalitarian Disaster. Now it is happening on a GLOBAL scale. Dr. Rima calls it Faucism.

The USELESS Eaters were determined to be anyone who was Defective in any way; this is Kaiser Wilhelms Germany.

The Children’s Killing Commission was setup in Berlin and they had a dossier on every child born in Germany. ANY Child who was defective in ANYWAY, who was cross eyed, who had a clubbed foot or any kind of deformity or any child who had a mental problem between 0 and 3 was Eliminated and the Code was very interesting.

A child who was allowed to live had a MINUS placed on the outside of their folder. A child who was marked for Death was marked with a PLUS.

The Killing Children’s Commission took children to wards and hospitals where German children were experimented upon with drugs or allowed to freeze to death and they were murdered in large numbers and the Gov said “we are getting clean.”

That is how these psychos think.

A program called AKTION 4 because there were 4 great estates in Germany and the first was AKTION – they installed Killing Chambers for the people they would bus in. They were told they would have a lovely day in the country but that wasn’t the case.

Adolf Hitler quote: It is not truth that matters, but victory.

ADOLF HITLER was CHOSEN and TRAINED by a group of American Industrialists including John D Rockefeller JR, Henry Ford, Franklin Roosevelt, the Bush Uncles. John Rockefeller sent his own man John Ivy to Europe, PRIOR to Hitler’s “coming out party” and conducted a Finishing School for 3 guys: Hitler, Goring and Goebbels. He taught them how to run Propaganda Campaigns and how to take over people’s minds and controlling their behaviors.

WWII came about as the League of Nations didn’t do what they were supposed to so it brought about a pause to the Global Dominance.

1952 – The League of Nations was Reformatted into the United Nations. Other organizations were created like Codex Alimentarius, The World Health Organization, CDC.

WW II – did not go as planned and the heads of IG Farben were sent to jail after the War concluded, they were basically all the Pharmaceutical Executives of Germany and Austria.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure one world, if you will. DAVID ROCKEFELLER If that's the charge, stand guilty, and I am proud ofit. -David Rockefeller"

John D Rockefeller just so happened to own CONTROLLING Interests in all of those companies. This is the evil guy who DESTROYED Natural Medicine. He created the Enzyme Poisoning System – our today conventional medicine – which literally is designed to slowly poison our bodies and cause the types of illness they treat. VERY Tricky and Deceptive industry.

Once the Evil Murdering Pharmaceutical Heads and Top Executives of IG Fargen, Bayer and others got out of jail they went right back into the pharmaceutical business as CEO’s and Presidents to once again, make people “HEALTHY.”

If you believe for ONE single second that these kind of people are not in charge right now of Big Pharma, you need to wake the hell up. They are implementing mass genocide at a Global Scale right now.

After they lost the war they all came back together to formulate new plans on how they could take control of the world.

What was their bright idea?? They decided that they could take over the regulation of FOOD.

Henry A. Kissinger quote: Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls...

Why would they do this? Well, as Henry Kissinger said “He who controls the Worlds Food Supply, Controls the World.”

Kissinger is a total disciple of this school of Evil and he loves males.

So these Elite wanabees got together and wrote a letter to the United Nations. They said “we think that you – United Nations, ought to take over the World’s Food Supply.”

The UN thought that this was a great idea but they didn’t have the power so they put in some weak regulations and this thing called Codex Alimentarius – The Food Code.

Austria has a food code and the courts had to decide what was Adulterated Food and what was Unadulterated Food.

It was set up so the WHO and FAO – Food and Ag Organization who are Private Industry Funded companies – the same Cartel controls both the WHO and the FAO.

So we have the insurance industry who takes the tax funds in the name of healthcare, you have big agriculture and their GMO’s to make you sick, you have Big Pharma to further those illnesses while taking care of the symptoms of the first illness. They all are in business by tax payer monies. All one big happy family.

Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 both say that the world population needs to be cut down 90% and the remaining 10% surfs will be compressed into 1% of the Worlds Land Mass. Each person will be allowed 16 Square Meters for their Living Space.

The Great Reset, Davos Agenda 2021 - 'You'll Own Nothing And Be Happy' |  Alex Hickman

Klaus Schwab says you will own nothing and you will be happy. You will own nothing because they will take it all away. We will tell you what you think, we will tell you what to do, we will tell you where you can go. If you seek additional transit you must request permission and obtain a pass. You will NEVER be able to go onto the 99% of the planet again.

Also from Agenda 21 which is also in Agenda 30 – Any Child who grows to his or her potential and consumes more than their fair share of the resources of the planet. What does this mean? They will ration their food intake. Also, any child that comes to their Intellectual Potential consumes more than their fair share – so they shall be undereducated.

For the remaining 10% they want you as pure Slaves and you are still worthless to them and replaceable.

In the UK, children are being fed bugs at school for a TEST for Alternate Protein.

The food for the 10% will be all Synthetic.

In July 2006, every country that is a member of the World Health Organization signed an Agreement saying that in an Event of a Level 4 Pandemic, which isn’t defined,

Monkey Pox – just another name for Small Pox knowing it was never eradicated.

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Gates funded the Serum Institute in Denmark where they funded GAIN of FUNCTION on this particular virus.

How Stupid do they Think We Are? Stupid enough to buy into their Fake Plandemic and get in line to take their poisonous Vaccines. They literally think we are totally ignorant and cannot think for ourselves thus the propaganda everywhere.

Is there anything that can be done for the Vaccinated who received the mRNA? In terms of the biological agents, yes, even bioengineered agents that are designed to slowly attack the endothelial walls of the blood vessels we can take Vitamin C, Dandelion Tea, N-Acetylcysteine. As for the Graphene Oxide that has been proven to be in many of the vials, that is a different story as it changed into Graphene Hydroxide which is a Single Layer Laser Blade like structure that goes about the body slicing everything up very slowly. There are other things like Hydra’s and multi-cell organisms, they are likely an array of unidentified pathogens like viruses and bacteria along with other toxins.

The part of the Vaccines we know NOTHING about is the Self-Assembling Nanotechnology.

Dr. Rima says that the jabs are NOT vaccines and were designed to TRANSFECT, not shed, they are contagious. She says this has to be stopped right now. No more vaccines.

She says both the mRNA and the Spike protein is dangerous. The spike proteins can replicate.

She says there will be a huge amount of Deaths as some countries have 70% or more vaccination rate. Many have been jabbed with Lethal Mixtures that have those time bombs running through their body with no warning signs.

There is 100% indisputable proof of the clots in the vaccinated.

Now we are being told it is NORMAL for children to have heart disease. It is NORMAL for Adults to keel over and die, now they are calling it Adult Sudden Death Syndrome. It’s NORMAL for those running marathons to fall to the ground and die. It’s NORMAL for all those soccer players to keel over on the field and die.

COVID-19: Waterstones and Amazon urged to add warning tags as anti- vaccination book sales surge | UK News | Sky News

NO it’s not. It is Vaccine Genocide.

How fucking stupid do they think we are?? Evidently pretty damn dumb.

There are good doctors with private research facilities like Dr. Ryan Cole, but we need more and we need it to happen fast as they now are pushing this for children under 5, which is totally ridiculous. It’s flat out a KILL Shot and the masses are unaware.

We have NO one looking out for us but ourselves. Our Government has been hijacked along with all the agencies that are supposed to be protecting us, they now are trying to literally kill the masses. Literally and truthfully, that is what the top echelons are these agencies are doing.

It is predicted by many whistleblowers that the mass deaths will begin around the 3 year mark and many will pass away within 5 years. They will label one pandemic outbreak after another in the next 7 years. Marburg, Monkey Pox, SPARS, ongoing COVID – but it will ALL be due to the VACCINES that they pushed down our throats with the power of the Emergency Health Declaration.

What will happen when all these people die off? How will our grid survive? Will our country be invaded? What will happen to the Infrastructure?

What happens if 50% to 80% of the population DIES because we didn’t ASK questions and didn’t do research.

Doctors are being Paid unbelievable amounts of money not to question the narrative and to believe the WHO, CDC, NIH and FDA – they are the ones who need to take some of the responsibility for just doing what they are told to do. They are the worst sheep of all. They blindly believed that Covid-19 Vaccinations were safe and effective even though they are STILL in an experimental clinical trial until 2023.

Why is the VAERS data being ignored?

Why did Pfizer ignore Maddie Degray horrific life changing disability from the Vaccine in the Pfizer trial? Why was her total disability labeled a Stomach Ache?

Why did Pfizer CEO say he can’t take the vaccine because he is not allowed to participate in a clinical trial?

We have Questioned NOTHING when in fact EVERYTHING needs to Questioned. Every Damn Thing!

The PCR tests were FAKE. My God people do some damn research.

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Where did the Flu Go in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022? They used the PCR tests to diagnose COVID and every illness was labeled COVID even though a study of thousands of those diagnosed with COVID turned out when they were REALLY tested with an Independent Lab turned out to be Influenza A and Influenza B.

We have been deceived with the greatest illusion ever presented to mankind.

Dr. Lee Merritt from Omaha Nebraska is saying the Ivermectin can help with Vaccine Post Side Effects. Dr. Rima says she is a great doctor but Dr. Rima is not aware either Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine helping with that but it can help to treat and prevent COVID. She says she is not against the prescriptions of these even though in her 52 years as a doctor she has NEVER prescribed a pharmaceutical drug.

Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, who has been a Senator for 27 Years, which is the #1 indicator that he is a bought, paid for and corrupt senator is trying to BAN Natural Supplements like Glutathione, N-Acetyl Cysteine and others, they even are going to try and put limits on how much you can of Vitamin C.

Dr. Rima is looking into her frequency therapy to restore health of those suffering from after effects of the jab.

We are being attacked on all levels. Over 100 Food Processing Plants have had a Fire in the past year. Cattle are dropping dead and being blamed on the heat.

They are going to try and collapse the infrastructure all at once.

Do NOT Comply to what is coming. Do NOT allow your children to have these jabs.

Dr. Rima’s husband was murdered for standing up against these Globalists. They thought that would shut her up too. She says we are in a battle for the existence of humanity.

Mirrored Source: Maria Zeee Rumble — https://rumble.com/v197ohr-dr.-rima-laibow-devastating-90-of-the-global-population-will-die-globalist-.html


Source: Dr. Rima Laibow – "The Culling of the Useless Eaters" - True Story - Globalist Agenda

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