Actually, Mahathir was angling for a better deal from his Anglo-American masters, particularly with regards to his children's vast fortunes. The man is a fraud. Here, he is ... urging the Malaysian authorities to accept the Covid-19 vaccines without the need for any tests or research because the very "negara maju" he'd frequently condemn had already adopted them.


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In the international intelligence community many assets worked or still work for the counterpart, when they were recruited, mb if the opportunity is ever presented to you, you will choose to be a martyr or you will carry on with your life and your new mission. Just saying 😉

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Can anyone download the Youtube clip above and post them to Rumble or Bitchute?

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You could download the video from this link:


I don't maintain an active youtube, rumble or bitchute account.

Information regarding the video:

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the safety of vaccines brought to Malaysia should not be questioned if they are already being used in developed countries.

Mahathir said if the vaccines are already being used in developed countries like the US, and the UK, there's no need for Malaysia to waste time with its own vetting process.

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Thanks Max. Downloaded. Already drafting a new article on the reactions of certain leaders. Mahathir is unsurprisingly praising the vaccines -- based on claims made by the very Western mainstream media which he ostensibly condemns from time to time. He should have asked his pals at Global Research (www.globalresearch.ca) who were suspicious of the vaccines from the onset. I guess they were just useful idiots for his farcical Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal which was Mahathir's tawdry attempt at getting back at the George Bush Jr regime for refusing to meet him --- after paying Jack Abrahmoff for the audience.

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Have a translated version?

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Unfortunately no. But YouTube should transcribe the Malay words uttered which can then be dropped into Google Translate.

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Old Bush was a monster as is his son...

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Bravo Max Wang, Bravo !

I am grateful for this stellar collection

of illuminating & incriminating quotes.

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I knew about agenda 21- 30-and ? Thanks for sharing and the men that support this evil effort in destroying everyone except the chosen ones! $$$$$$

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You will like this podcast on the regulation deception. It is up your alley.


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The hair stood up on my arms as I read the quotes you compiled here. It is clear that their god is not Jesus Christ our redeemer.

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