The Germ Theory was debunked several decades ago when the proponent of the theory himself, Pasteur, admitted on his death bed that “the germ is nothing, and the terrain is everything,” meaning that whether or not we get sick and succumb to illness and disease has less to do with the external "germ" that we are exposed to and everything to do with the state of our internal terrain (our gut microbiome) that houses that germ.
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Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory of Disease
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The Germ Theory was debunked several decades ago when the proponent of the theory himself, Pasteur, admitted on his death bed that “the germ is nothing, and the terrain is everything,” meaning that whether or not we get sick and succumb to illness and disease has less to do with the external "germ" that we are exposed to and everything to do with the state of our internal terrain (our gut microbiome) that houses that germ.