Biblical prophecies unfold Praise God and trust in Him and fear not those that can destroy the body but fear only He that can destroy the soul.

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Case in point: all oncologists know that cancer cells are glucose hogs and readily take up sugar. They know this because a PET scan works by injecting a patient with radioactive glucose. The cancer cells take up the glucose so much more rapidly than regular cells that you can scan the body to see where the radioactive glucose ended up. And yet, very few oncologists recommend a ketogenic diet even to their terminal patients who can't be helped by chemo.

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Beginning of the end for real healthcare!

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🤩 next research project here I come!

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Good article, thank you for sharing.

Here some more on the topic


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We have unpacked similar corrupt consolidations of power in our American Oligarchy article. Check it out!


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This is a great piece!

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I don't understand the phrase used in this article, "recovery residential or commercial properties of different plants" ; and related, the similar usage of the same phrase, "recovery residential or commercial properties of holistic practices and plants that cannot be patented."

Could you please explain it to me so that I might better understand and explain to others this meaning in the article. Maybe I'm missing something, but I suspect others might have a hard time understanding the usage in the context of this article.

Other than that, I found this article intriguing and a good and informative background. It corroborates much of what I've been learning. However, I felt the article was short and dropped off suddenly. --Keri Bee

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Hi, this is not my article. I have merely republished it.

From my understanding:

"Today we live in a world of social media censorship, and anyone who even dares to question the intentions of any of the big pharmaceutical companies is branded insane and given the label of a crazed conspiracy theorist. Any information brought forward about recovery residential or commercial properties of holistic practices and plants that cannot be patented are branded phony news as they are considered to threats to the drugs of the big pharmaceutical companies."

Holistic practices refers to homeopathy (plants, herbs) as opposed to allopathy which modern medical practices (chemicals) are based upon. Plants and herbs cannot be patented, but medicine developed based on chemicals can. Therefore, any claims about holistic practices which use plants and herbs for medical treatments are considered threats to the big pharma.

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Because they WORK. How have countries such as Hong Kong (prior to 1997), China, Japan, South Korea and other Asian-Pacific countries managed to achieve optimal health and extremely long life-spans? I studied TCM while in HK and Oahu. The US/AMA has fully sold out.

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I believe in TCM and Ayurveda. Thank you.

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Awwww, who’ds thunk?

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