Ask yourself, are the pharmaceutical companies taking the time and effort to find out HOW everyone individually is reacting to or responding to each dose of vaccine after it is received? If you know the answer to that question, then those receiving the injections are NOT GUINEA PIGS and they are not part of a BIG EXPERIMENT or TEST. It is totally wrong to use the Words GUINEA PIG, EXPERIMENT and TEST when those words imply the various companies are doing research on the participants. That is NOT what is happening. Neither the government or the pharmaceutical companies are carefully tracking and following up on results. This is NOT a test or scientific experiment! No one should pretend it is. These companies and our government are injecting dangerous materials into people. PERIOD. No experimental results being gathered and assessed, no regular reports on the reactions of each individual being updated and assessed. Just inject and collect money. Just bury and what? Autopsy? Nope. This NOT A TEST!

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Exactly spot on true. This lady understands satan’s hatred toward humanity and how satan will give them (Rockefellers / Rothschilds / etc) all the kingdoms, money and power this world has to offer, when they take part in murdering, maiming and crippling God’s children through deception, pharmakeia and sorcery.

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It's really admirable what she's doing, at the threat of being targeted, "disappeared", or suicided, besides having her reputation and character ruined by them. But all her hard work, dedication, and disclosure will not save her if she keeps taking the Lord's name in vain. And she speaks against religion. It's not about religion, but having a covenant relationship with, and believing in/having faith in Jesus Christ, the only one who can save us from all of this. Pray for her...to seek that saving relationship, to believe in the Son of God...to seek Him with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength, to be saved. if she did believe in Him, she would not be taking God's name in vain. Some people don't even know how much they need Him, or don't believe in Him. The whole reason all of this is happening...the devil wants people to worship HIM, instead of the Lord, thereby taking them to hell and the lake of fire with Him. Because, if you are not serving the Lord Jesus Christ, you are serving the devil, whether you know it or not. I wonder if she knows? PRAYING SHE SEEKS HIM, while He may still be found. Because of these monsters doing all this to mankind, whom they hate, I now know why there is a hell. If you know the Lord, our suffering will end, but theirs never will!

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Truth rings out loud and clear in her words.

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hi folks checkout a petition at citizengo.org..deal a fatal blow to the pandemic treaty tell trump exit the WHO now..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours

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Trump is one of them! The Father of the MrnaVexine. Serial k-ill-er. He's got millions bamboozled, just like the "health" industries do. But they've got people believing that he's going to save the world...Amerika. Bible says they ALL will give their kingdoms to the antichrist, the devil. They are ALL working together. He's pretending to be a savior. He even called himself "the chosen one". Yeah, to finish bringing in the New World Disorder. The world is going to be so shocked when they see who he really is. I'm going by what Jesus said.."PUT NOT YOUR TRUST IN MAN."

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Informative as to the history of vaccines. I do believe the goal may be to knock out immune systems, so they can unleash something that will cull the masses. I don’t agree with her advocacy of vitamins. I used to be a big proponent of vitamins as well. I now believe that vitamins come from a similar gross, back alley place from which all the pharmaceuticals come. Nasty. They wouldn’t be allowed and promoted if they were in any way helpful or healthful.

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