Very thoughtful and provoking to understand these scriptures. It becomes clear that many people do not see because they cannot seek truth. My heart aches that more people give time to work play or mindless distractions. I ache for children who are naively unaware or hurt by corrupt institutions and parents. Pray without cessation…I must re-read many of your posts to gain deeper insight. My 95+ yo mother and I look forward to your studies. Thank you so much, as I care for her and we both have limitations. Thank God HIS Word knows no limitation.

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I love this truth ❤️🙌 , Amen and thank you brother Max

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I would like to start at post 1 on this, but I am having a terrible time scrolling to it. If it’s easy, would you mind linking it?

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both designed to capture minds and put them into a bottomless pit.

beast of the sea/beast of the earth (rev 13)

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"until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" - what does that mean?

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The end of gentile church, which marks the beginning of the day of the Lord.

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