The way I look at it: No human authority is due unlimited submission. That belongs to God alone. The Lord prescribed limits to man's and govt authority and when they transgress those boundaries, they are not only NOT due obedience, but disobedience becomes obedience to the Lord. Submission is taught throughout the Bible to human authority, and it is a good general principle. However, while we read a child is to submit to parents, that child should not submit to that which is illegal or immoral. A wife is to submit to her husband, but is not required to submit to physical, emotional and spiritual abuse. A church is supposed to submit to its spiritual leaders, but if that congregation finds the leadership to teaching error and promoting heresy, it must rise up and replace that leadership with those who are submitted to and teach the truth as it is in Christ. So also the scriptures show the limits to govt authority. Rom 13 spells out those limits and all the other scriptures you mentioned show "We must obey God, rather than man"

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Again a wonderful execution of the Word applied practically to our plight in this situation. In Canada only a few brave Pastors stood up to keep their congregation meeting, several meeting with prison. Others stood by to defend the government and university mandates by closing churches, masking, supporting the “vaccines” and encouraging people to get these jabs as “proof” that you show “love” by so-doing. Some pastors were present with doctors at meetings to encourage “compliance.” While we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, while I know I certainly have, I thank God for his kindness in showing me that the Word contains the health and hope I need; persons extolling God’s Word as you do Max Wang, give persons like myself further clarity and understanding into God’s Word and show those who “hear” how to and how it does provide the answer. We know the end of the Book but it brings me to tears that many don’t know what you so clearly point out here. Again, I am encouraged by your exhortation. Thank you! Apology for my wordiness but I’m in appreciation of your courage and clarity.

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There is also the understanding that our DNA is our GOD given book of life and we are not to alter it because in doing so we run the risk of having our name blotted out. The human body is a temple for the Holy Spirit and corrupting the DNA could possibly qualify as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. It’s something to consider with so many inoculations incorporating mRNA tech now.

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Christ and all of Christ’s disciples except John was killed by the government for failing to bow down to it. And it wasn’t for lack of trying that John wasn’t killed.

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In addition to my previous comment: submission in Scripture is a general principle, not a moral absolute

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Amen, thank you !

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