Thank you so much for this wonderful explanation/article/eye-opener. Sermon? Ha ha. I got it...Teaching! I finally understand dispensationalism. And how my Sister's fat, expensive fancy Bible actually led her AWAY from the Lord, by dispensationalism in the commentaries, and the inserted page chocked full of occultic non-Christian websites to visit, to learn MORE. SOOOO SAD to watch those who once loved the Lord so much, to turn the opposite overnight. The Bible is soooo true!! Ye cannot serve two masters. Jesus' own words in Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. It's either love or hate, and I've witnessed several abruptly turned away, and then they try to get us to believe their newfound "wisdom". Stupid secret societies and occultic books, and delving into forbidden practices. Well, it makes me angry that they can be pulled away so quickly, AND thoroughly. There is no turning them back to their first love. But...they chose to choose whom they will serve...and not the Lord. I had never heard the crab (forgot the word) but what a perfect example! Thank you. Prayers for your safety, strength and continuance in sharing the real truths. Oh, and blessings! OUR GOD REIGNS!
During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s UN Global Village (i.e. Sodom -Egypt), the abomination of desolation’s (i.e. Big Brother’s) Masonic-Social Justice Gospel mandates all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured Global Village.
Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to proudly lay down their patriotic lives in collective militant defense of licentious Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution. Under God’s strong delusion they democratically bow their idolatrous hearts, in a worshipful corporate pledge of allegiance, before the Masonic Statue of Columbia’s sacred image—“Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike Covid-19 inoculated beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the eugenic ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.
Since it is Sunday again,(the first day of the week- hmmm?) and people will be getting their weekly brainwashing at church, it is probably time to examine some things in the scriptures. We won't all agree on everything, but there are some statements that even atheists and agnostics would have to ponder.There are some thoughts here. First these scriptures let you know that most of mankind is bad, not the opposite. And even though not a Christian, George Carlin made a great statement opposing the fact that was stated about Jesus (or anyone else being boiled in a so-called Hell. People that are coerced into following the political system by preachers from the pulpit each week are certainly being led astray. This seems to be a good description on many falling away. Preachers teach people to vote (separating men over idolatry of men)Then they put them on the chopping block by sending them to war with their blessings to murder their brothers around the world. Until men actually listen to what the Bible says about the fact that our brothers are still our brothers, not depending on criminal politicians' boundaries, called borders, things will not get better for mankind. Think about the wording here and see if that fits the criminal church teachings bout love of country, voting and military service. It also puts to shame the words(proud to be an American).Acts 10:35 King James Version
35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
Also a pretty good description of Jesus is stated when he stated, No one knows the day or the hour (not even Jesus) only the Father. Many things to to absorb in these scriptures.
I've checked the MP3 and noted that some parts of the voiceover were missing. So, I fixed it and uploaded it in this article, while I also took this opportunity to make some minor corrections in a couple of places plus a spelling error I found.
Et tu Brutus? Are we here for more Christian Antisemitism? Is Replacement Theology not another example of endgame apostasy? Jesus is a Jew. Most of the New Testament was written by Jews. The early Christians were Jews. They are the root; we Gentiles are the branches and we can be snapped off because of arrogance. May God have mercy on you for sowing seeds of antisemitism in His church. Genesis 3:12.
Thank you so much for this wonderful explanation/article/eye-opener. Sermon? Ha ha. I got it...Teaching! I finally understand dispensationalism. And how my Sister's fat, expensive fancy Bible actually led her AWAY from the Lord, by dispensationalism in the commentaries, and the inserted page chocked full of occultic non-Christian websites to visit, to learn MORE. SOOOO SAD to watch those who once loved the Lord so much, to turn the opposite overnight. The Bible is soooo true!! Ye cannot serve two masters. Jesus' own words in Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. It's either love or hate, and I've witnessed several abruptly turned away, and then they try to get us to believe their newfound "wisdom". Stupid secret societies and occultic books, and delving into forbidden practices. Well, it makes me angry that they can be pulled away so quickly, AND thoroughly. There is no turning them back to their first love. But...they chose to choose whom they will serve...and not the Lord. I had never heard the crab (forgot the word) but what a perfect example! Thank you. Prayers for your safety, strength and continuance in sharing the real truths. Oh, and blessings! OUR GOD REIGNS!
Thank you, and AMEN.
During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s UN Global Village (i.e. Sodom -Egypt), the abomination of desolation’s (i.e. Big Brother’s) Masonic-Social Justice Gospel mandates all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured Global Village.
Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to proudly lay down their patriotic lives in collective militant defense of licentious Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution. Under God’s strong delusion they democratically bow their idolatrous hearts, in a worshipful corporate pledge of allegiance, before the Masonic Statue of Columbia’s sacred image—“Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike Covid-19 inoculated beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the eugenic ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.
Since it is Sunday again,(the first day of the week- hmmm?) and people will be getting their weekly brainwashing at church, it is probably time to examine some things in the scriptures. We won't all agree on everything, but there are some statements that even atheists and agnostics would have to ponder.There are some thoughts here. First these scriptures let you know that most of mankind is bad, not the opposite. And even though not a Christian, George Carlin made a great statement opposing the fact that was stated about Jesus (or anyone else being boiled in a so-called Hell. People that are coerced into following the political system by preachers from the pulpit each week are certainly being led astray. This seems to be a good description on many falling away. Preachers teach people to vote (separating men over idolatry of men)Then they put them on the chopping block by sending them to war with their blessings to murder their brothers around the world. Until men actually listen to what the Bible says about the fact that our brothers are still our brothers, not depending on criminal politicians' boundaries, called borders, things will not get better for mankind. Think about the wording here and see if that fits the criminal church teachings bout love of country, voting and military service. It also puts to shame the words(proud to be an American).Acts 10:35 King James Version
35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
Also a pretty good description of Jesus is stated when he stated, No one knows the day or the hour (not even Jesus) only the Father. Many things to to absorb in these scriptures.
I find it interesting that Israel has a law against genetic testing to hide that most of them aren’t Jewish. 🤷♂️😊
Same enemy, same agenda.
I've checked the MP3 and noted that some parts of the voiceover were missing. So, I fixed it and uploaded it in this article, while I also took this opportunity to make some minor corrections in a couple of places plus a spelling error I found.
Et tu Brutus? Are we here for more Christian Antisemitism? Is Replacement Theology not another example of endgame apostasy? Jesus is a Jew. Most of the New Testament was written by Jews. The early Christians were Jews. They are the root; we Gentiles are the branches and we can be snapped off because of arrogance. May God have mercy on you for sowing seeds of antisemitism in His church. Genesis 3:12.