Just wow. Many of my varied thoughts come together in your presentation. I won't ask questions until you have presented more and all read a few times.
Do you yourself realize how late the hour is ? I don't see 7 years coming as we are in the last 7 years already and only how far in is the question in my thinking.
Could it be that “polluting the temple of strength” is the taking of a nanotech infused vaccine or neuralink implant that leads to a hive mind where the perceptions of the masses are formed via electromagnetic signaling direct to the brain? And that this will be presented as the path to world peace? …by an antichrist figure presenting from Jerusalem and a rebuilt temple…that from the lie of zionism will come unadulterated satanism. The inversion of “like mindedness” of the body of Christ…”the cloud” informing everyone’s thoughts who have not trusted Christ? Tied to a digital I.d., CBDC, censorship, social credit score, and a one world religion based upon AI and technology idolatry? Hmmm can we see anything like that taking shape regardless of the political administration in power?
Wow 🤗 such knowledge, what a delight and joy it is to read your writing and understand what God has shown to you and us through you, thank you Holy Spirit for drawing us here and for showing us the truth, God is opening his word to us now here in these end times things that have been sealed to so many before us, praise the true and living God Jesus Christ 🙌❤️, God bless you brother Max, thank you thank you thank you !!! 🙏❤️
RE: Familiar democratic spirits pretend to be the omnipotent theocratic Spirit of the sovereign LORD, speaking familiar things. That is how the Masonic Angel of Light’s ministers (i.e. Billy Graham, Paula White) are able to deceive great numbers of foolish virgins within Lucifer’s Socialistically-Secured harlot Laodicean churches. They are bewitched into the worship of another Lord Jesus, with another ‘Masonic Social Justice Gospel’ and another anti-theocratic religious spirit, and that is also the “mystery of iniquity” at work to take the holy-theocratic Spirit of the Lord Jesus out of the devil’s democratic Broadway.
Response: After God removes His Archangels Gabriel and Michael, from striving against and restraining the 7-headed Beast, He then sends a powerful delusion upon Democracy’s foolish virgins and Truth-hating global citizens within the Orwellian Beast’s Socialistically-Secured UN Global Village. The apostate virgins from Christ’s holy-theocratic Bride foolishly believe that the anti-theocratic spirit of Lucifer’s “mystery of iniquity” is omnipotently at work to overcome and remove the Lord’s (i.e. another Lord Jesus) impotent theocratic Spirit from bringing anathema judgement against Masonic Pax Americana’s Socialistically-Secured Broadway. (Daniel 10:20)
Max, thank you for posting this truth about the evil and deceitful Scofield and his Rapture doctrine/dispensationalism. The only thing I would add is that Scofield was financed by a Rothschild. Adherents to the New World Order wanted Christians to believe in pretribulation rapture, that they would be rescued by Jesus' second coming in end times, so they wouldn't feel a need to prepare for bad times, but would stubbornly cling to a false hope of rescue. And, more importantly, they wanted to get Christians to support Israel and her genocidal actions. Unfortunately, many Christians don't realize that most of the so-called Jews (possibly up to 90%) are not
descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, but are descendants of people of Turkish origin who were forced to convert to Judaism in the 1200's. (Khazars).
Incidentally, I still have the first Bible my parents gave me as a kid. It's a king James version which I hadn't used in decades. After reading an article on this pretrib deception I took a new look at this bible; to my chagrin, it's a Scofield Bible.
It's very easy for the Global Bloodline Mafia to keep using the Bible as a Script, because the Bible only ever talks about Human Sacrifice, and that's it.
"That was his plan, that he shall pretend to be friendly to God’s people to win their trust. Then, he shall gain entry as a trojan horse, and in the middle of the seven years period, he shall “cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate.”
I would comment only - that this act of treachery, is not towards the Church, which is not present in this stage of the End, having been raptured (caught up on high) before antichrist is revealed. For the Lord's words cannot be contradicted that the disciples have 'Power and authority over ALL the power of the enemy'.. What enemy do we have besides satan and his princes? If we have such power and authority that would include over the antichrist.
There are no Scriptures that speak of antichrist overcoming the Church - for the Gates of HELL cannot prevail against it.
This record in Daniel is referring to the people in Israel at the time of this revelation taking place. They are the zionists of the synagogue of satan, who built the temple to welcome their own messiah - antichrist. They themselves confess that 'lucifer is their god'.
The joke is on them. Because where their 'messiah' makes a peace pact with them, to protect them from the world, which we see even now is seething in animosity towards Israel.. Yet after a short 42 months he will turn on them, their own messiah, and lead the armies of the world into Jerusalem.
A very clear way to see that they are NOT the Lord's disciples, and NOT Israel is found in Matthew 24, where the Lord is speaking TO his disciples, and addressing them specifically, until he gets to describing the 'desecration of the Temple, and the arrival of the armies of antichrist, he switches the pronouns to 'THEM'.. Verse 15- YE shall see it (on television possibly) then says - 'let THEM which be in Jerusalem', (If they were there to see that, he should have said 'YE should flee'.) But he says - "Let HIM which is on the house.." and "Let HIM who is in the field flee"..and - 'Woe to THEM'.. etc.. He does not say 'You or Ye', as if to his disciples - but 'them'. Others.
No word in God's word is ever used lightly.
Jesus is speaking about another faction that happens to be in Jerusalem who were worshipping a false Christ. For his own people would not be fooled by the 'many who say they are Christ's (verse 5)
And CERTAINLY the CHURCH cannot be fooled by a man calling himself the 'Christ'.. for the Church epistles are clear - the NEXT TIME WE will see Jesus... is in the clouds.
Just wow. Many of my varied thoughts come together in your presentation. I won't ask questions until you have presented more and all read a few times.
Do you yourself realize how late the hour is ? I don't see 7 years coming as we are in the last 7 years already and only how far in is the question in my thinking.
The tribulation is almost over. Armageddon is next.
Could it be that “polluting the temple of strength” is the taking of a nanotech infused vaccine or neuralink implant that leads to a hive mind where the perceptions of the masses are formed via electromagnetic signaling direct to the brain? And that this will be presented as the path to world peace? …by an antichrist figure presenting from Jerusalem and a rebuilt temple…that from the lie of zionism will come unadulterated satanism. The inversion of “like mindedness” of the body of Christ…”the cloud” informing everyone’s thoughts who have not trusted Christ? Tied to a digital I.d., CBDC, censorship, social credit score, and a one world religion based upon AI and technology idolatry? Hmmm can we see anything like that taking shape regardless of the political administration in power?
Wow 🤗 such knowledge, what a delight and joy it is to read your writing and understand what God has shown to you and us through you, thank you Holy Spirit for drawing us here and for showing us the truth, God is opening his word to us now here in these end times things that have been sealed to so many before us, praise the true and living God Jesus Christ 🙌❤️, God bless you brother Max, thank you thank you thank you !!! 🙏❤️
RE: Familiar democratic spirits pretend to be the omnipotent theocratic Spirit of the sovereign LORD, speaking familiar things. That is how the Masonic Angel of Light’s ministers (i.e. Billy Graham, Paula White) are able to deceive great numbers of foolish virgins within Lucifer’s Socialistically-Secured harlot Laodicean churches. They are bewitched into the worship of another Lord Jesus, with another ‘Masonic Social Justice Gospel’ and another anti-theocratic religious spirit, and that is also the “mystery of iniquity” at work to take the holy-theocratic Spirit of the Lord Jesus out of the devil’s democratic Broadway.
Response: After God removes His Archangels Gabriel and Michael, from striving against and restraining the 7-headed Beast, He then sends a powerful delusion upon Democracy’s foolish virgins and Truth-hating global citizens within the Orwellian Beast’s Socialistically-Secured UN Global Village. The apostate virgins from Christ’s holy-theocratic Bride foolishly believe that the anti-theocratic spirit of Lucifer’s “mystery of iniquity” is omnipotently at work to overcome and remove the Lord’s (i.e. another Lord Jesus) impotent theocratic Spirit from bringing anathema judgement against Masonic Pax Americana’s Socialistically-Secured Broadway. (Daniel 10:20)
Max, thank you for posting this truth about the evil and deceitful Scofield and his Rapture doctrine/dispensationalism. The only thing I would add is that Scofield was financed by a Rothschild. Adherents to the New World Order wanted Christians to believe in pretribulation rapture, that they would be rescued by Jesus' second coming in end times, so they wouldn't feel a need to prepare for bad times, but would stubbornly cling to a false hope of rescue. And, more importantly, they wanted to get Christians to support Israel and her genocidal actions. Unfortunately, many Christians don't realize that most of the so-called Jews (possibly up to 90%) are not
descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, but are descendants of people of Turkish origin who were forced to convert to Judaism in the 1200's. (Khazars).
Incidentally, I still have the first Bible my parents gave me as a kid. It's a king James version which I hadn't used in decades. After reading an article on this pretrib deception I took a new look at this bible; to my chagrin, it's a Scofield Bible.
It's very easy for the Global Bloodline Mafia to keep using the Bible as a Script, because the Bible only ever talks about Human Sacrifice, and that's it.
"That was his plan, that he shall pretend to be friendly to God’s people to win their trust. Then, he shall gain entry as a trojan horse, and in the middle of the seven years period, he shall “cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate.”
I would comment only - that this act of treachery, is not towards the Church, which is not present in this stage of the End, having been raptured (caught up on high) before antichrist is revealed. For the Lord's words cannot be contradicted that the disciples have 'Power and authority over ALL the power of the enemy'.. What enemy do we have besides satan and his princes? If we have such power and authority that would include over the antichrist.
There are no Scriptures that speak of antichrist overcoming the Church - for the Gates of HELL cannot prevail against it.
This record in Daniel is referring to the people in Israel at the time of this revelation taking place. They are the zionists of the synagogue of satan, who built the temple to welcome their own messiah - antichrist. They themselves confess that 'lucifer is their god'.
The joke is on them. Because where their 'messiah' makes a peace pact with them, to protect them from the world, which we see even now is seething in animosity towards Israel.. Yet after a short 42 months he will turn on them, their own messiah, and lead the armies of the world into Jerusalem.
A very clear way to see that they are NOT the Lord's disciples, and NOT Israel is found in Matthew 24, where the Lord is speaking TO his disciples, and addressing them specifically, until he gets to describing the 'desecration of the Temple, and the arrival of the armies of antichrist, he switches the pronouns to 'THEM'.. Verse 15- YE shall see it (on television possibly) then says - 'let THEM which be in Jerusalem', (If they were there to see that, he should have said 'YE should flee'.) But he says - "Let HIM which is on the house.." and "Let HIM who is in the field flee"..and - 'Woe to THEM'.. etc.. He does not say 'You or Ye', as if to his disciples - but 'them'. Others.
No word in God's word is ever used lightly.
Jesus is speaking about another faction that happens to be in Jerusalem who were worshipping a false Christ. For his own people would not be fooled by the 'many who say they are Christ's (verse 5)
And CERTAINLY the CHURCH cannot be fooled by a man calling himself the 'Christ'.. for the Church epistles are clear - the NEXT TIME WE will see Jesus... is in the clouds.
Praise God. Come quickly then Lord!
Hi Victoria,
thank you for your comments.
This article represents my view of the end times:
The Last Days (Acts 2:17)
This article represents my view of the timing of the rapture:
Sequence of Events Leading to the Rapture
I may share more of what I see to be the sequence of events from Daniel 11 in Part 2.