Sometime ago, my daughter after having heard the gospel of Matthew played to her time and time again from my mobile device, asked me to translate her thoughts into a post, which I titled “The gospel of the Sadducees and the Pharisees,” in her blog:
but it’s more than this, it has bred a blindness to evil cloaked behind “inclusivity & sustainability, etc.” in order to be socially acceptable you are required to abandon common sense & discernment.
As I commented on another post, you have created a false representation of what all dispensations that I know believe. So many false conclusions, the worst being that a view different from yours on eschatology is proof of condemnation to those who disagree with you on how to interpret scripture.
I have brothers and sisters in Christ who by the grace of God are justified by faith in Jesus Christ and yet are amMillennials whom I disagree with. Point being, to make one’s views on end time issues the criteria for salvation is nonsense.
this is so true, the passivity & fatalism…
but it’s more than this, it has bred a blindness to evil cloaked behind “inclusivity & sustainability, etc.” in order to be socially acceptable you are required to abandon common sense & discernment.
“inclusivity & sustainability, etc.” are the fruits of passivity and fatalism. Without the latter, the former cannot happen.
As I commented on another post, you have created a false representation of what all dispensations that I know believe. So many false conclusions, the worst being that a view different from yours on eschatology is proof of condemnation to those who disagree with you on how to interpret scripture.
I have brothers and sisters in Christ who by the grace of God are justified by faith in Jesus Christ and yet are amMillennials whom I disagree with. Point being, to make one’s views on end time issues the criteria for salvation is nonsense.