I’ve been warning about this abomination since 2020 and all abominable injections since 2018 when Yeshua put it on my heart to question vaccines and people don’t want to listen. I even warned about c-19 being “the mark” in Revelation and ALL OF MY FAMILY outright rejected this warning. They said I wasn’t an “expert” and I don’t know what I’m talking about.

I PRAY people wake up and REPENT for their sins.

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Amen. I am glad you are not an expert, neither am I. Thankfully I at last really started listening to the Holy Spirit in 2020.

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Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!

That was incredible!

I would say that is a spot on unveiling of the enemies plans through sorcery to set the human race into a “blasphemy of the Spirit” posture through an “abomination of desolation” that takes place in the “temple”. The whole goal of satan our adversary and the fallen angels that follow him is to damn souls to hell. What you describe is satan’s final push at the end of the age to create a technocratic system through transhumanism that people will eventually have to make a choice to take that mark in its fullness of what it represents in their physical body; the mark is a physical manifestation of a spiritual allegiance to the beast system, and one that will involve the relinquishing of free will; the defilement of the temple; the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit; the only unrequited, unforgivable sin. That’s why it will damn those that enter in to this system, to a sentence of hell. People will literally choose to he switched off completely from God, and choose willingly to be switched on to the technocratic transhuman system of the beast…the culmination of the new world order.

Furthermore, the synthetic “re-tuning” of the human immune system is the necessary road to this transhuman switchover since the ingredients in these vaccines are toxic in nature to the human body. The nanotech, micro-robots and graphene used to create “human 2.0” need to be rendered “acceptable” to the human body from rejecting them…so thus the need for people like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Ray Kurzweil, Yuval Harari, et al …to “rewire” the immune system to force ingredients into it that God never intended to enter into it. Much like the knowledge of good and evil from the tree (the apple with a bite out of it), we as human beings were not created with the bandwidth for such things. Yet, in the end, God will use what the enemy has meant for evil and turn it to good…through His redeeming blood, Christ has already taken the victory. Our sins and the results of the fall; death and sin conquered. And we will be made spotless, given new bodies, a new heaven and new earth, our bandwidth expanded - for we shall “be like Him”…and we will rule and reign with Him, some even judging angels. WOW, my friends the future is bright for the true church, the children of God that stay the course. So dear children, stay strong, remain hopeful, stay the course. It all will be worth it in the light of eternity.

“Yet what can a momentary light affliction be compared to the eternal weight of glory.”

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This is jaw-dropping 😱

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For everyone who grew up with vaccines and realizes how bad they are, it is not so jaw-dropping! If you haven't read this, you should: Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins

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Yes, but true. It has been a long term plan. I only woke up in 2020 at 60 years of age.

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Excellent share. Thank you. God bless you. God bless us. ❤️

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P.S. I’m NOT saying that those who take the mark will be forgiven. I’m saying that God, in His timing and in His way, will expand the bandwidth of human beings to be ‘like’ Him. We will experience being “upgraded” to everlasting eternal new bodies where decay and corruption no longer exist. Everything the NWO transhumanists desire to try and achieve apart from God for they are deceived, and/ or deceive themselves to thinking they can achieve to “become like God” without submitting to God. Like lucifer’s original sin that saw him expelled from heaven…you cannot become “like God” without first submitting to the one and only true and Holy God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

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Another well researched article with so much truth. Keep up the amazing work and hope humanity finds God before it too late. The signs are all there just need to get your head out of the phone and TV to see them.

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Thank you for al you do, Max..

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Dude, this is a

Magnum Opus on these vaccination Scams!

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Thank you Max. Thorough, detailed, good, discerning work. Thank you.

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Luddite fool.

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Pertaining to the mark of the beast: If the original text said "in" could the mark in the forehead be the inhalable vaccines Gates is developing?

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Hi Carrie, it is "in" the foreheads or "in" the right hand. Therefore, it can't be the inhalable vaccines.

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Go to above link and look @ Strongs G5480 for mark. It says sharpened to a point. Both the jabs IN the arm and tests IN the brain are points, right? I don't believe God's word says there will be a trial run. We are in the 'end'. By their Pharmakeia were all nations deceived.

Certificate Of Vaccination ID – 19 (AI) (A=1,I=9) They all have computer addresses - testable on smart phones using bluetooth apps. Go to rumble and look up the blueTRUTH vids. Also look up luciferase on emerald robinson's SS. The enzyme that 'glows' was in the jab and on the swab. It was never about health; it was about getting everyone hooked up into the matrix by giving them an ID.

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I keep seeing 'Its a trial run', it definitely wasn't, and I agree with you, done by deceit.

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BioNTech stands for biological applications of nanotechnology. Please look at this article: https://outraged.substack.com/p/pedro-chavez-on-mac-address

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Also, airport security scanners (from late 2021)


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Hi Laurie,

The article you shared says:

“Now it’s time to discuss whether the covid vaccine is the Biblical mark of the beast. Yes, this includes Novavax, which was marketed to people of faith as a ‘spiritually safe alternative.’

I like how they narrate this part, as it is true that Novavax was sold to Christians as a spiritually safe alternative of the COVID vaccine. Of course, that is not true. Novavax is no less unclean as compared to other forms of mRNA or non-mRNA vaccines. Then it goes on to say:

“This estimate places us currently in the Biblical year of 5997, with the end of this age estimated to be around 2026, give or take a few years.”

I don’t know if AD 2026 is “the end of age” as this article says. Previously, I also did my own calculation, based on info from the 1611 King James Bible, which shows that the current age of the earth is around 6,190.5 years. The below article showcase some of my thoughts about the end times.

“If we take AD 33 as a reference of the day of the Pentecost, and counting two thousand years forward, that would bring us to AD 2033… Ever heard of Agenda 30, culling of the “useless eaters?” That means we are probably very close to the advent of the last thousand years before the great and notable day of the LORD comes…“


PS: I’m not saying that AD 2033 is the year that Jesus will return. I don’t believe that. What I’m saying is that this may be the year on the Devil’s calendar, which will mark the beginning of his thousand-year reign based on the dispensational doctrine which teaches that the “dispensation of the Kingdom” would last 1,000 years.

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Max, no one is going to take a jab in the forehead it's not a literal jab in the forehead,, what you inhale vaccine wise goes up, and is in that area, not something I would be doing

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Don't take any

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