The Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol has been gaining rapid interest over the past couple years. Now there are numerous fenbendazole cancer success stories. The most famous story is of a man who was diagnosed with stage-4 small-cell Lung cancer and was sent home with a 3-month life expectancy. Joe Tippins started taking fenbendazole (Panacur C), a dog de-wormer his veterinarian recommended, with some additional supplements. The following PET scan showed remarkable improvement, and after a few months, he was declared cancer-free.


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Yes, isn’t it odd how dewormers can cure certain cancers. I saw that and a veterinarian claims how it can cure some dogs with cancer as well. Ivermectin is showing promise for this too as well as HCQ

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That could mean cancers are actually caused by parasites.

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Chemo treatment can be likened to a "great reset" by killing off both the good and bad in your body, done in the name of getting rid of the cancer tumour. Chemotherapy are also very expensive. Nevertheless, they are being pushed on virtually every single cancer patient despite the questionable side effects and low success rates. They falsely blamed the cancer tumour for the symptoms suffered by cancer patients. Lots of money has been spent on evidence proving that chemotherapy shrinks tumours. However, this fact means nothing. What doctors don’t tell their patients is that tumour size is completely irrelevant in battling the disease. Tumour reduction does absolutely nothing to change the physiology of a cancer patient’s body. Reducing the size of the tumour does nothing towards healing or creating a cancer-free environment. True cures are being suppressed and the mainstream media has played a big role in keeping people in the dark on truth about cancer and cancer treatment.

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This is one place to purchase Vitamin B-17 supplements for those looking for it:


There are other sources of course. Just have to look for it on the internet.

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I think about the cancer-industrial-complex a lot having family members go through it… sometimes I wonder if the diagnostics are even real or exaggerate something that is not a real problem (like the PCR test) and if they hadn’t been “diagnosed” what would’ve happened, anything?… there is also an article I have been meaning to read about mammogram radiation implicated as causing breast cancer. at this point I’d rather see a veterinarian.

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Yes. The reason why there is an "industry" for cancer treatment is because of the cancer-industrial-complex. I have saved an old article from a now-defunct site providing evidence how cancer is a man-made disease. Cancer is making a lot of people rich, and the elites richer. When I am free, I will share the contents of that article.

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As well as colonoscopies. I had one I’ll never have another

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True. Cures were outlawed in the 1980's timeline. Childhood vaccines schedule rolled out in the 1980's. Millenial (Gen-Y) babies were the start who are now grown up. Dr Otto won a Nobel for his cancer cure in his day. Mexico has treatments. President Reagan was treated in Mexico for his cancer. Oncology is now a business,brand, corporation and benefiting from turbo cancers. Cut out processed foods,sugars,flour, etc. Cancers feed off sugars.

God said do not fear 365 times in His Word. Seek God first in all things. 🙏❤️

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