
Reproving the Germ Theory with the Terrain Theory Model of Diseases

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The Germ Theory of disease exerts that germs coming into the body from outside can cause a person to become sick. “Viruses” as they call it, are actually micro-organisms produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors that have affected the body adversely. These particles are really harmless and are actually quite beneficial. They are present as by-products when the body deals with the sickness. If diseases are not caused by germs or viruses, where do illnesses come from?

Illnesses comes from the accumulated toxins we put into our bodies and toxins we are exposed to. Germs do not cause the disease. The tissue becomes diseased first and then the germs proliferate to clean up the mess. However, bad scientists found them under the microscope and made a theory, the Germ Theory, out of it. That is just like how paleontologists found fossils of animals in the ground and created a theory, the Evolution Theory, out of it. Of course, the bible proves the Evolution Theory to be false. BTW, the Germ Theory of diseases was debunked several decades ago when the proponent of the theory himself, Louis Pasteur, admitted on his death bed that “the germ is nothing, and the terrain is everything,” meaning that whether or not we get sick and succumb to illness and disease has less to do with the external “germ” that we are exposed to and everything to do with the state of our internal terrain (our gut microbiome) that houses the germs.

Our cells are designed to function in a specific chemistry which has been created intelligently based on our natural diet which is a function of our anatomy and physiology. When we stray from the natural human diets, we begin to change the internal chemistry of the body. When we consume foods that are not well suited to our anatomy and physiology, we are overworking the cellular metabolism. As the cells work, they produce waste. Everything in nature eats and poops and so do our cells. So, in a normal healthy body, the cells are working at normal efficiency in normal chemistry. The cellular waste is sent into the intracellular fluids, which are then transported through the lymphatic system (the body's sewer system) out of the body and expelled via the primary or secondary elimination channels. However, when we put in inappropriate foods into our bodies, we do two things that cause our health to suffer. The first is consuming overcooked or dry foods which do not have adequate water content for our physiology. When we consume these water-deficient foods we dehydrate the body and the body must pull from its own cells to help move the drier foods through our digestive system. We require roughly 80% water content simply for food to make it through the digestive tract without pulling water out of our cells.

Consuming any non-ideal foods including processed foods, overcooked foods, or dry foods dehydrates the body. This leads to a dehydrated lymphatic system. The lymphatic system, again, being the sewer system, needs to flow freely if we are to avoid disease. If the lymphatic fluid becomes dehydrated, it becomes sticky and slow-moving. The natural state of the lymph in a healthy body could be seen as flowing like maple syrup: thick but free-flowing. When we consume overcooked or dry foods which do not have adequate water content, the lymph will dry out. Moving into a peanut butter consistency, the lymph barely slides along, getting stuck in various parts of the body. The more dehydrated the body becomes, the more slow-moving the lymph. Eventually, you end up with lymph that resembles the dry crusty peanut butter stuck to the bottom of the jar that has been in the back of the pantry for five years. With our unnatural cooked-food diets, we are dehydrating the sewer and that means that the waste is getting backed up around the cells. The waste is predominantly acidic, and acids burn and damage the cells which makes it harder for them to function normally. Instead of normal cells functioning in normal chemistry, we now have damaged cells functioning in abnormal chemistry. That is what creates the problems we call symptoms of disease. The cells are in a state of dis-ease, or lack of ease, and so is the body as a whole.

The second thing that causes our health to suffer is overworking our cells by providing raw materials which are difficult to digest and assimilate. Some foods are more difficult for the human anatomy to digest, requiring our stomachs to produce harsher stomach acid as well as leaving more residue and waste. We should consume foods that contain the same nutritional components in a form that is much easier for us to digest and assimilate, and already in the ideal form so that the body does not need to create its own proteins and fats, and excess energy is not wasted in digestion and excess waste products are not produced. Most of the inappropriate foods we consume today tend to be difficult to digest and be assimilated by the body. Consuming these foods forces the body to do extra work to break them down into simpler forms. That is why we often get tired right after we eat a meal of inappropriate foods. The excess work of the cellular metabolism also leads to excess waste.

Therefore, when consuming inappropriate foods, we are creating more cellular waste while drying out the sewer system that is designed to flush the waste out of our bodies. We have both more waste being created than we are physiologically designed for, and we have less waste being eliminated because the elimination channels are slowed and, in some cases, so dry and backed up that they are completely blocked. There is more waste and less flow, so cells are sitting in waste. We start to see the beginning stages of dis-ease, or lack of ease, with symptoms like irritability, irritation, itching, and many other mild to moderately uncomfortable symptoms. The cells are uncomfortable sitting in their own waste. In addition to these two issues, we are also creating inefficiency in cell processes. If you try to walk knee-deep in mud, you are going to be working much harder than if you were strolling down a sidewalk. Cells sitting in their own waste are operating knee-deep in mud. They are using far more energy and creating far more waste because they are working in such inefficient and dirty terrain. We now have a slower-moving sewer, fewer functional cells, and more waste being created. This disruption of the sewer system creates more dysfunctional cells, which in turn create more waste and a dirtier sewer system. So round and round we go, building layer by layer of dirty terrain, eventually encouraging the cells to change their structure from a healthy normal cell to a bacteria, yeast, fungus, or eventually into a cancer cell.

Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell. The video attached shows what a “virus” looks like under an electron microscope. When cells die, they break down into tiny little fragments, some of which are arbitrarily labeled “viruses” by virologists when seen in electron micrographs. These are nothing but pieces of DNA or RNA with a few other proteins that are produced as by-products when the cells purify themselves by excreting out debris (called “viruses”) when they are poisoned. There is a current theory of viruses called “exosomes” in the latest head of the National Institute of Health (NIH). It was originally thought that exosomes were simply cellular waste products, however their function is now known to extend beyond waste removal. The exosomes, the “viruses” so-called, are NOT contagious, and they are NOT the cause of anything. We get seasonal influenza when our cells build up too many environmental toxins from what we ingest or inject into our bodies. Our bodies cyclically create exosomes (we don’t catch viruses) to purge out these toxins so as to bring the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF patterns in our environment. The catalysts are:

  1. Seasonal earth tilt;

  2. EMF tech;

  3. Ingested/injected toxins.

When any toxin enters into the body, we produce exosomes to purge them out. Sicknesses comes from the toxins that we have accumulated in our bodies as well as the environmental toxins we are exposed to, and the illness we experience is the body purging: the breakdown of these toxins via coughing, sneezing, mucus, diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, etc. Those symptoms are the body healing itself. Using a fishbowl analogy, the Germ Theory says the cure is to medicate or vaccinate the fish whereas the Terrain Theory shouts “Clean the fish bowl!!”

What is a "virus," etymologically speaking?

virus (n.) late 14c., "poisonous substance" (a sense now archaic), from Latin virus "poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice," from Proto-Italic *weis-o-(s-) "poison," which is probably from a PIE root *ueis-, perhaps originally meaning "to melt away, to flow," used of foul or malodorous fluids, but with specialization in some languages to "poisonous fluid" (source also of Sanskrit visam "venom, poison," visah "poisonous;" Avestan vish- "poison;" Latin viscum "sticky substance, birdlime;" Greek ios "poison," ixos "mistletoe, birdlime;" Old Church Slavonic višnja "cherry;" Old Irish fi "poison;" Welsh gwy "poison").

Poison will damage a person's health if it enters into his body. According to the Germ Theory of diseases, a “virus” or pathogen can enter into our bodies and cause damage. Same idea. Therefore, is “virus” a form of poison? The etymological definition of a “virus” in the late 14 century is congruent with what the bible teaches about poison, such as in this verse:

Job 20:16 "He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper’s tongue shall slay him."

This verse is the bible telling us about the poison that came from the tongue of a viper (asps). There are toxins or virulent poisons that will attack our physical body and kill us. Moreover, there are also different types and degrees of poison: poisons that come from plants, and poisons that come from animals according to Deuteronomy 32:32-33. The more active and virulent poisons destroy life in a short time. Some poisons are slower in their operation, while others produce inflammation without proving fatal. The 1611 King James Bible’s definition of “poison” agrees with the etymological definition of what a “virus” is. However, this definition has been changed in the passage of time. What has changed? Has medical science discovered something new?

According to wikipedia, a “virus” is a non-cellular, submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates inside the living cells of an organism. Not only is it harmful, it is also contagious: capable of infecting all life forms, including humans, animals and plants. The Germ Theory of diseases advocates that we must get rid of the viruses in order to remain in health. That’s why we have antibiotics which fight infections by killing the germs, or vaccinations which produce antibodies in the blood that recognize foreign substances like bacteria and viruses and neutralize them. Rockefeller’s Western Medicine (allopathy) is based on the Germ Theory.

The Terrain Theory, on the other hand, states that the more unhealthy a person is, the more out of balance his body is, the more susceptible that person is to illness and the sicker he may get when he comes into contact with an external virulent agent. It is the health of the internal ecosystem that will determine if a person catches a disease. That’s why Terrain Theory teaches that in order to prevent disease, we have to create health through diets or other lifestyle factors such as exercise. The healthier a person is, the less likely he or she is going to catch a disease.

BTW, did Jesus advocate the Germ Theory of Disease?

Matthew 15:1-2 "Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, 2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread."

Notice that Peter and the rest of the disciples did not wash or sanitize their hands before they eat bread. That, according to the Germ Theory of disease, will cause them to catch a disease and become ill. Not only that but notice that washing (sanitizing) hands before food was in fact a tradition of the scribes and the Pharisees. The gospel of Mark gives us more details on this strange tradition of theirs:

Mark 7:3-4 "For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders. 4 And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables."

Notice that the scribes and Pharisees not only require the Jews to wash their hands before food, but there are also “many other things” which they have received to hold, such as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables. Basically, it is cleaning and sanitization, and more cleaning and sanitization, just like what the Germ Theory of disease advocates to do, in order to prevent a disease.

Mark 7:8 "For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do."

According to this verse, cleaning and sanitization is not a commandment of God. God did not require the Jews to wash their hands before they eat their food, nor did he require them to sanitize the cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and tables and such. That is a tradition of men, and not a commandment of God. Furthermore, Jesus tells us in Mark 7:15 that “nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him.” and the word “defile” is synonymous to “pollute” according to Numbers 35:33 and Ezekiel 7:22. The Germ Theory of disease teaches that when a body is “polluted” by viruses coming from outside the body, by which it is infected, it will catch a disease and become sick. That’s why the Germ Theory advocates that we must clean and sanitize our hands before we eat, so that we don’t become sick from contacts with the germs. Contrast this with the words of the Lord in Mark 7:15 “… nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him,” that is to say that the germs that come in from outside the body cannot pollute it and cause a person to become ill.

The Lord further explains:

Matthew 15:16-17 "And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? 17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?"

Whatsoever that enters in at the mouth goes into the belly and will be cast out as dung. That would include the viruses, germs and bacteria that enter in when we eat our food with unwashen hands. The Terrain Theory of disease teaches that it is not the viruses, germs or bacteria coming from outside that makes us sick, but the health of our internal ecosystem in being able to defend and protect against the external virulent agent. Those things cannot hurt us if our internal ecosystem is healthy and robust. That’s the reason why according to the Terrain Theory, in order to prevent a disease, we have to create health.

What about COVID19?

Ephesians 4:14 "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;"

COVID19 is a deception: “sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.”

Fact #1: 5G at 60GHz stops humans from absorbing oxygen

“At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen.”

Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties

“SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, surfaced in Wuhan, China shortly after the implementation of city-wide (fifth generation [5G] of wireless communications radiation [WCR]), and rapidly spread globally, initially demonstrating a statistical correlation to international communities with recently established 5G networks.”

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G

Fact #2: 60GHz stops the uptake of hemoglobin

“Additional blood effects have been observed in both humans and animals exposed to WCR (wireless communications radiation). In 1977, a Russian study reported that rodents irradiated with 5 – 8 mm waves (60 – 37 GHz) at 1 mW/cm2 for 15 min/day over 60 days developed hemodynamic disorders, suppressed red blood cell formation, reduced hemoglobin, and an inhibition of oxygen utilization (oxidative phosphorylation by the mitochondria).”

Fact #3: Exposure to 5G can cause flu-like symptoms

2019: COVID-19 - Wuhan is first pilot city to launch 5G in China. China Mobile Hubei activated 1,580 5G base stations in the city, mid-October 2019. 5G began deploying worldwide in 2019.

As I have mentioned previously, we get seasonal influenza when our cells build up too many environmental toxins from what we ingest or inject. We cyclically create exosomes to purge these toxins out from our body, which brings the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF patterns in our environment. The catalysts are:

  1. Seasonal earth tilt;

  2. EMF tech;

  3. Ingested/injected toxins.

“I am not aware of a paper which purified isolated SARS-CoV-2” — Michael Laue, Sept 4, 2020, representative of the German Robert Koch Institute.

When we are subjected to environmental pathogens through 5G, or if any “vaccine” is injected into the blood, our bodies produce exosomes to purge the toxins, which is why people are tested positive for COVID again and again. There is no COV-2 virus, but the exosomes produced which they falsely represent as the COV-2 virus. All “COVID” issues either come from the environmental pathogens or the toxic injections, and the symptoms are the body’s way of purging out the wastes. The PCR tests are faked. There is no COV-2 virus. All “COVID” issues are either from the toxic environmental pathogens or from the toxic injections. All COVID deaths are a direct result of people injecting/ingesting toxins and/or from Earth’s seasonal EMF tilt, or from exposure to new EMF that cause radiation poisoning effects such as we see from the introduction of 5G. All variants are simply a product of the body purging toxins that are directly injected and/or from whatever toxins are manufactured in the body, from the COVID vaccine, post injection. BTW, the COVID-vaccine no longer do what it has been traditionally designed to do according to the Germ Theory of diseases. In fact, the “science” behind the vaccine has been updated twice since 2015.

Instead of preventing a disease, vaccines are now supposed to produce protection from a specific disease. Instead of producing antibodies in the blood through killed or weakened infectious organism to combat the viruses, vaccines now “produce protection” by some other means unspecified. In the case of the COVID mRNA vaccines, they hijack the original instructions from the DNA, and superimpose their altered genetic instructions via the mRNA, and the mRNA in turn passes that information to the ribosomes factories for generating genetically-modified spike proteins needed to fight the so-called “virus.”

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