
What the mainstream churches were teaching about COVID-19 and the snakejabs?

Commentary on video "The Blindspot of Anti-Vaxxers" (2021) by Pastor Vincent Choo, made during a time when it was a popular thing to bash anti-vaxxers in strong support of the COVID-19 snakejabs.

Some time ago, a brother asked me if I have a video or post showing what the mainstream churches in Singapore were teaching regarding the COVID-19 snakejabs. It so happened that another brother shared this video with me shortly afterward. This video was made by Reverend Vincent Choo of The Life Church and Missions Singapore in 2021, at a time when it was a popular thing to bash anti-vaxxers and you will get support from the mainstream church leadership. You can find a transcript of the video in this article. However, I will not be commenting on everything he said in this video, but only on specific things he said in support of the COVID-19 snakejabs at the wake of the scamdemic in 2021.

Jude 1:3 "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."

Pastor Vincent Choo opened his speech with these comments:

If there is one thing that is getting on the nerves of the world government, it is anti-vaxxers. By anti-vaxxer, I don't mean people who are uneducated or uninformed that they did not know the need to be vaccinated. But I meant those who advocate strong reasonings against vaccination, and they prevent their loved ones from doing so. And if this is not enough, they try to post their anti-vaccine views on social media to make their views known in the hope of showing that anti-vaccination is legitimate and of course to influence more people to be on their side.

First of all, have you noticed that he was concerned with anti-vaxxers getting on the nerves of the “world government?” So, is it for the world government AKA New World Order that he was making this video? Anyway, according to this pastor, anti-vaxxers are people who advocate strong reasonings against vaccination in order to prevent others from going to take the vaccines. You can usually find them making their views known publicly on social media, trying to influence random strangers who happen to come across their posts. One big problem I have with him are the words “in the hope of showing that anti-vaccination is legitimate.” First of all, what is so illegitimate about being an anti-vaxxer? What is so unlawful about sharing our independent and honest views on social media? How is it that only the government’s narrative is acceptable, and any other views are deemed illegitimate?

What did the 66 books of the written word of God tells us about COVID-19 and the vaccines? What is the will of God concerning the scamdemic and the snakejabs?

Acts 5:29 "¶ Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."

Peter tells us in this verse “we ought to obey God rather than men.” That means we need to find out the will of God concerning COVID-19 and the snakejabs before making any physical commitment. Pastor Vincent continues…

Now why are there anti-vaxxers? There are many reasons. It could be due to the fear and apprehension of the vaccination technology at the start. There may be people who are skeptical by nature, but later on, they could have come into contact with biased viewpoints or news reports about some harmful effects of vaccination, confirming their held belief. And the reason that they are convinced is because it fits their existing tendencies or even their apprehension. And I can say that one great weakness of the human mind is that once we've confirmed our held belief, we became extremely biased or shut our mind to every other view. It is extremely difficult after that to accept other opinions or convince our mind otherwise. And I would say these are the people who mostly believe in conspiracy theories and spread those theories, and they were in fact being used without realizing. They became ideological rather than practical.

According to him, there are many reasons why people turn to become anti-vaxxers. He cited fear and apprehension of vaccination technology, and others who are skeptical by nature who come into contact with biased viewpoints which happened to align with theirs, and became convinced that the vaccines are not safe. He called it a “great weakness of the human mind,” meaning that we must never be skeptical when it comes to vaccines. Trust the government and we can never go wrong. He also calls those people conspiracy theorists because they are easily manipulated by other anti-vaxxers with an agenda without realizing it. So, what was basically his message? Is it:

  1. Trust the government?

  2. Obey the government?

  3. The government will never lie to the people?

It seems like he doesn’t believe there is such thing as a global conspiracy involving the kings of the earth and the rulers of this world, like what the psalmist tells us:

Psalms 2:2-3 "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us."

Here, the bible tells us in these verses that kings of the earth and the rulers of this world set themselves and take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed. Previously I did a post on the kings of the earth based on what the Spirit of God shows me from the written word of God:

Pastor Vincent continues…

Now I don't want to be judgmental towards anti-vaxxers, but if you as a Christian are using biblical arguments to support your anti-vaccine case, thinking that it is a way to be set apart from the world, you have got it all wrong. 

Notice he used the word “judgmental,” in the sense of what Jesus tells us in this verse:

Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

Basically, he doesn’t want to see the mote in other’s eyes, yet blind to the beam that is in his own eye. That is good, but the bible did not teach us not to judge. Rather, we should judge righteously. How to judge righteously? In the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:5 “… first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” We can only make righteous judgment with the help of the written word of God by the Spirit of God. But notice what he said later “if you as a Christian are using biblical arguments to support your anti-vaccine case…" Here, he was saying that as a Christian, you can’t get help from the bible to make the judgment, and if you are basing your judgment on what the bible says, “you have got it all wrong.” He continues…

Now let me set the record straight. I've said it before and let me say it again. First, accepting vaccination has nothing to do with falling into the trap of the Antichrist. Neither is it receiving the Mark of the Beast. The Mark of the Beast will never come in the form of vaccines or anything physical that is inserted into you.

Notice he even put it out in black and white that it is NOT possible that the COVID-19 snakejabs has anything to do with the Antichrist, and that the mark of the beast will never come in the form of vaccines or anything physical inserted into the human body. It is all symbolic, he implies. But how is he so sure? Then he goes on to say…

Rather, it is a mark or a seal upon a person's soul. If that person has rejected Christ and His salvation, there he has received the mark of the beast. That mark of the beast on one's forehead represents the unbelief of that person. That mark on one's right hand represents the works that is generated through the unbelief mind. Read my lips. You don't get the mark of the beast through getting a vaccine. So please get your biblical facts right. Don't put the Christian community to shame with those pseudo-arguments. 

Here, he teaches that the mark of the beast in the forehead represents the unbelief of that person, and the mark on the right-hand represents that person’s work done through an unbelieving mind. It is all symbolic and has nothing to do with the vaccine, or anything physical to be inserted into the body, whatsoever. Therefore, Christians cannot legitimately quote from this verse to defend their anti-vaxxer cause:

Revelation 13:16 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:"

According to Pastor Vincent, to quote from this verse is not getting the biblical facts right, and in that sense, putting the Christian community to shame. BTW, he uses “on” instead of “in” when he made that statement about the mark of the beast. All modern bible versions use the word “on” instead of “in” for this verse. They teach that the mark of the beast is “on” the right hand, and “on” the foreheads, contradicting what the 1611 King James Bible shows us in this verse that it is “in” the right hand and “in” the foreheads. I wrote an article on the mark of the beast recently. All I could say is that his idea of the mark of the beast and mine are totally different. Have a read if you are interested to find out what I have to say:

Pastor Vincent Choo continues…

Next, if you think that accepting the vaccine has got to do with humanism, seemingly injecting what is man-made into God's image-bearer, I would say you can't be more illogical. There is a sister in Christ who told me that all Christians who receive the vaccination must repent because they've accepted man-made inventions into their glorious body. Now to such a person, maybe I should ask, do you take medication when you have a fever? Do you send your children to the secular schools? Do you wear human-designed clothes?

In essence, he was saying that those people who claim that the COVID-19 vaccine defiles the temple of God can’t be more illogical. They cannot biblically cite what Paul warns us in these verses in defense of their anti-vaccination cause:

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

To cite this passage of scripture and saying that the COVID-19 snakejabs or other vaccines for the matter, could defile the temple of God, you can’t be more illogical. He then compares the COVID-19 snakejabs to man-made inventions such as oral medications for fever, or sending our kids to secular schools, or wearing human-designed clothes. If we are using other man-made inventions without concerns, then we must also do the same for the COVID-19 snakejabs and stop worrying that it might defile the temple of God. Does the COVID-19 snakejabs defile us bodily? I have addressed the question of bodily defilement in these two posts:

Pastor Vincent Choo continues…

Now, let's be consistent if you want to talk about humanism. Never think that you are set apart from the world by rejecting the vaccines. It has nothing to do with that. In fact, by advocating that, you are countering what the Lord has prayed for His disciples through His priestly prayer. Lord Jesus prayed, Father, my prayer is not that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one.

So basically, you can’t reject the COVID-19 snakejabs for any biblical cause, because there is nothing unbiblical about it. There can only be one biblical view regarding the COVID-19 snakejabs, and that was the view he had shared earlier in his speech, that we ought to simply trust and obey the government and stop linking the COVID-19 snakejabs to the mark of the beast. Well, if you have a different view, then you (yes… he was referring to YOU) are being unbiblical. Do you remember the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican Jesus shared in Luke 18:9-14, how the self-righteous Pharisee despised the Publican?

Pastor Vincent Choo also cited this verse:

John 17:15 "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."

So, vaccines are all part of the world, and living in this world, it is our responsibility to take the vaccines to protect ourselves and others. Vaccines are NOT from the evil one, and if you dare question the snakejabs, you are countering what the Lord has prayed. You are an anti-vaxxer who came from the evil one. Then, he goes on to say…

Now, I am sure our Lord Jesus never wanted us to be segregated from the world in such a way where we develop unjustified conspiracy theories against vaccination. Rather, Jesus wanted us to be in the world, yet not of the world. Jesus wants us to be sanctified in our life purpose and way of living such that we live boldly and resolutely for the advancement of the gospel, not a life that is a skeptic of something as trivial as the vaccine. 

So, if you are an anti-vaxxer, you are automatically a conspiracy theorist who develop unjustified conspiracy theories against vaccination. Jesus wanted us to take the vaccines to be a part of the world. We live for the advancement of the gospel, and should never involve ourselves with something as “trivial” as the vaccine. Yes, he used the word “trivial” to describe an invasive medical procedure. Can’t be an anti-vaxxer or you can’t be a part of this world. Be an anti-vaxxer and you are not obeying Jesus. Pastor Vincent Choo continues…

Now, if you are fearful about the vaccines, just say that you are fearful, or just say that you are not sure about the long-term effects and you are praying through. Don't try to justify your skewed thinking with biblical arguments. That just doesn't do justice to the Word of God. And don't keep justifying yourselves by saying that people who are vaccinated get infected also. Now, even if you take an influenza shot, you could get a flu also. 

Again, he repeats: NEVER use the bible to justify your anti-vaxxer cause. It is NOT the bible that you are concerned about, but you are just being fearful of the long term side effects. You should stop lying!! It doesn’t do justice to the word of God if you dare to quote from the bible to justify why you won’t take the snakejabs. Also, stop saying the vaccine doesn’t work!! Your thinking is skewed if you are an anti-vaxxer. Even if you took it and got infected, you can’t prove that it doesn’t work!! Then he quoted the flu shot as an example: you took it doesn’t mean you can’t catch the flu. You took it because the government and the medical experts strongly believe it protects you from the flu!! He continues…

We know medical science is not there to eradicate illness, but to reduce the severity of illnesses. A Bible-saturated person should be logical in drawing from the Bible as well as making sense out of worldly knowledge. The Word of God should make you wise and logical, not incongruent, making insensible arguments or viewpoints. 

So, medical science is not there to eradicate illness, but to reduce the severity of illness. As a Christian, you should be logical enough to make that judgment between what the bible tells you, and what science tells you. In another words, the bible is not always right or relevant to current times. In the case of a conflict, the bible must give way to medical science. Either that, or your interpretation of the bible is not always right. The solution? Trust your pastor! Trust the medical experts! You are just an illogical fool who can’t make congruent and sensible decisions!! Therefore, leave the theology part to your pastor and your health decisions to the government and their panel of medical experts!! He continues…

Now last, I want to ask all the anti-vaccine in the church, have pride got the better of you? Is it because you have been such a great advocate of anti-vaccine that you finally have got people listening to you? And then you take pride in the sense of worth you have? Or do you feel that it's a loss of faith not to backtrack on your once strongly held belief about anti-vaccination. 

So, if you are anti-vaccine, you are a narcissistic and proud person who wants to get attention from others. He continues…

Now, I can tell you that nothing is more foolish and embarrassing than to have believed in the wrong thing and make such a strong case for it when it is uncertain. You have not only stumbled yourself but also others with your conspiracy theories and misinformation. You have taken people's focus away from the gospel to seek something that has nothing to do with the kingdom of God. You have taken the real spiritual fight away from saving man's soul to be a champion fighter of anti-vaccination. Your social media are all filled with your passion and messages about anti-vaccination instead of testifying Jesus as Lord. How foolish you are to have fallen right into the devil's trap.

Here, he admits that the outcome after getting the COVID-19 snakejabs are uncertain. However, if you are an anti-vaxxer, you have not only caused yourself to stumble, but also others who listen to your conspiracy theories and misinformation. True information can only come from the MOH. Anything that contradicts MOH information is misinformation. As a Christian who is also an anti-vaxxer, you have also done grave injustice to the gospel, because nothing about the COVID-19 vaccine has anything to do with the kingdom of God. You have fallen into the Devil’s trap, so to speak, if you dare preach against the COVID-19 snakejabs quoting from the Holy Bible. Your real spiritual fight is never against the vaccine. It is about getting people to pray the sinner’s prayer and join the church membership!! Previously, I have made a post about spiritual warfare that touches on this topic:

He continues…

Now, I know the anti-vaxxer will not be pleased hearing this from me, but let me make my point clear. I'm not here to judge you, but I seek to realign you. For believers who struggle with all the anti-vaccine information given on social media, let me just offer to you how I come to the conclusion with taking the vaccines. First, I took the vaccines for God's church. I took the vaccines not to be given entry to cinemas or shopping centres, but because I value church, and I value worshipping God physically in the house of believers, and I value being able to continually minister to others physically, as simple as that, unless you don't value the communion of saints at all. 

So, he wants to realign you if are an anti-vaxxer. You need to be realigned because you are crooked and he is not. Then, he gave himself as an example of what a good Christian ought to be like. First of all, you must take the vaccines for God’s church. Remember the No-Jab-No-Church the Singapore government has implemented as part of the VDS (Vaccine Differentiated Safe Measures)? There was a time in the history of this young nation that you MUST take the snakejabs before you were allowed to worship in churches. I have made a post on this topic previously:

That being said, I could relate to his position as a pastor that he values to be in the church personally, and be able to minister to others physically. However, is that a good enough reason to defile the temple of God with the COVID-19 snakejabs? What could have been done differently? He continues…

And next, I did it for love. Now, I may have the faith of not being infected, or even if infected, I may have the faith that I will not be severely ill or die because of the infection. But I recognize that may not be so for my brethren or my loved ones around me. So for that reason, I gladly take the vaccines so that people can be at ease hanging around me, knowing that I am vaccinated. Now isn't that a pure and unadulterated love to start with? Instead of trying to convince the whole world that vaccination harms our health without ourselves absolutely being sure of it either. 

Now he says he did it for love. Moreover, it is a pure and unadulterated love to get the COVID-19 snakejabs so that you can be around people without the worry of getting them harmed by the virus. Even though he did not say it explicitly, however, he said he did it for the love of others, inferring from what Jesus tells us in this verse:

Matthew 22:39 "And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

BTW, do you recall what he said earlier that you SHOULD NEVER USE the Holy Bible to justify for your decision whether to or not to go take the snakejabs? Now, he is quoting from the bible to justify why he went and took the snakejabs. So, only he can use the bible to justify his position on the COVID-19 snakejabs, but don’t you dare to use the bible to justify your anti-vaxxer position. Looks like Christendom gone back to the Dark Ages, where only the Pope and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy could read and teach from the bible. In fact, he was not the only pastor asking his congregation to go take the snakejabs, quoting from scripture. After the Pfizer CEO was recorded saying this at the wake of the COVID-19 plandemic:

“The decision not to vaccinate will not affect only your health or your life… Unfortunately it will affect the lives of others, and likely the lives of the people you love the most, which are the people that usually you are in contact with.”

— Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO

Since then, and all of a sudden, the idea of “love thy neighbour, so get COVID-vaccinated” was getting propagated in mainstream churches all over the world. It was during then, that lots of mainstream celebrity pastors came forward and started promoting the COVID-19 vaccines to their congregations:

More information in this post:

Pastor Vincent Choo was only one of the many mainstream pastors who were doing this. He continues…

Now last, as a minister of Christ, I took the vaccines to send a clear message to all those anti-vaxxers in the church that I am willing to take any risk, even with my health, for the sake of the gospel. Yes, no one knows absolutely what are the health implications five or ten years down the road after taking the vaccines. There may be complications, there may not. But as of now, I'm willing to take those risks by faith so that I can always be physically ministering to people. I don't want people to struggle when they are listening to me talk or ministering to them. I don't want the focus to be on whether I've taken the vaccines. Rather, I want the focus to be on Jesus and His Word. So to you out there who have made anti-vaccination your gospel, all I have to say is that you've already been brought into the greatest deception.

So, he took the COVID-19 snakejabs to set precedent as a pastor of the church that the church does not tolerate anti-vaxxers, or any anti-vaccine teachings for the matter. As a Christian, one should be willing to take any risk with his health for the gospel’s sake. As long as the mandate comes from the government, a Christian is obligated to comply, even if it means that the vaccines may not be safe. You shouldn’t be concerned about the potential health implications five or ten years down the road. Notice how he was asking people to take the snakejabs by faith? By faith in what? The writer of Hebrews tells us:

Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. However, it does not mean faith in taking risks, rather faith in believing the word of God. Faith in taking risks does not please God. Then he goes on to say “I want the focus to be on Jesus and His Word,” which is to say, by taking the COVID-19 snakejabs to satisfy the No-Jab-No-Church mandate, so that you could legally enter the church premise, you are putting the focus on Jesus and his word. If you are not doing this, you are not pleasing to God, and you have made anti-vaccination your gospel: you are a false convert who have been deceived and are going to hell. What did the bible say? What is the will of God on taking risks?

Proverbs 22:3 "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished."

Well, first of all, the bible did in fact warn us against taking risks. A prudent man will study a matter carefully and derive insight from it. He is not satisfied with taking things at face value, but will seek to understand them at a deeper level. He is wise to know that he cannot simply believe in something without first understanding the consequences of what will follow. He is not a risk-taker. He is not like the “simple” man who will believe every word from anyone whom he perceives as authority. A prudent man is not “right in his own eyes,” unlike the simple as in:

Proverbs 12:15 "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise."

Here, the bible calls the simple-minded a “fool” for not being prudent. He has no delight in understanding because wisdom is too high for him. He will never search out a matter, but will rather follow his heart, which Jeremiah warns us:

Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

It is easy to deceive a fool. As long as the word comes from the government, the media or even his pastor, a fool will gladly accept it without question. He has no need to search out a matter because he always goes by his heart, but Solomon tells us:

Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.”

What is the truth about COVID-19? Is the truth important? Born again believers are kings and priests unto the LORD, and the heart of kings is to search out a matter. Therefore, it is in the nature of every bona fide child of God to “search out a matter,” to establish a fact before they will take something as factual. If it is not a fact, they must reject. Likewise, the church is the “pillar and ground of the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15) It is also the duty of the church to study a matter and carefully establish the truth. If it is not the truth, then it is the duty of the church to reject it as false, even if the information comes from the government and their panel of medical experts.

John 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Jesus calls Satan “a murderer from the beginning” in John 8:44, because the Devil was a murderer who brought death into this world with his lies in Genesis 3. The most powerful weapon against lies is the truth, and if churches are supposed to be the pillars and grounds of the truth, they should be “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 1:3) But for churches that are helping to propagate the lies of the government and the globalists, and helping the Devil to oppress their brethren and murder them, these are not true churches of the living God, but synagogues of Satan, because they do the will of their father, the Devil. While they may look like whited sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, within them are full of dead men’s bones and of all uncleanness. These are pharisaical churches all over the world which outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Read also:

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