Commentary on video "The Blindspot of Anti-Vaxxers" (2021) by Pastor Vincent Choo, made during a time when it was a popular thing to bash anti-vaxxers in strong support of the COVID-19 snakejabs.
Why did Pastor Vincent Choo title his video "The Blindspot of Anti-Vaxxers?"
What blindspot?
Is it like what Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:1 about "Judge not, that ye be not judged?" Jesus elaborated on what he meant by that in:
Matthew 7:3 "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"
One cannot judge righteously if he beholds the mote that is in someone's eye, but considers not the beam that is in his own eye.
So, to title this video "The Blindspot of Anti-Vaxxers," that was Pastor Vincent passing righteous judgment on those he labelled Anti-Vaxxers thru this video, because we all have a "beam" in our eyes that is preventing us from seeing things clearly.
Of course, that is also to say he does not have this "beam" in his eyes like us. We all have this blindspot when we read from the bible, but he doesn't have this problem because he is a Pro-Vaxxer. He is a superior Christian and we must all listen to him or we are going to hell.
Most churches seem to be little more than tax exempt for profit organizations, so of course they will preach from the gospel of fauchi. One cannot serve both God and mammon, and too many showed over these past four years that they serve mammon
Beautiful exposé my friend! This young man is young and is not aware of his programming and indoctrination. Thank you for piecing together relevant passages and the truth that I gather from the words to live in my own spiritual sensibility to nature and humanity
Not all calling Jesus as Lord shall enter the kingdom of God and I suppose this is the reason I don‘t go to church as it is filled with shepards like this one.
Don't blame God for the sin of man. There are good churches out there. Sadly in today's society, they are getting harder to find. Look for one that teaches the gospel and word of God / Bible.
And one whose members care about humanity by helping the homeless, the unfortunate, young confused pregnant mothers, the poor, the sick and not 💰 for big expensive elaborate churches!
Church priorities is what made me turn! You can congregate and worship in a barn🤷♂️
My mother worshipped her preacher m-f 5am in the privacy of her own home and she helped lots of unfortunate people.
Worship the Lord! It seems they worship themselves!
I was disturbed by the video as the words and teachings were twisted to be almost cult-like… I believe he was/is deceived by the Beasts of the Sea and Earth and the dragon, the serpent of old, Satan.
The traditional interpretations of Revelation have caused many not to be alert and watch for the Beast System or the Four Horsemen.
Thank you for warning people and being a watchman on the wall. God Bless brother.
This guy is another dishonest fake Christian. And no. You dont have to be Christian to detect thr myriad of lies of the cabal he doesn't want to know about. And dont put subverted language into Jesus' mouth. Good luck staying alive among the dying all around you.
Perhaps the greatest danger of this century is when churches are blind like the Pharisees, and they cannot tell the difference between wolves and men of God.
And JESUS warned us these things would be the case. So difficult to conprehend the level of evil I have seen with my own eyes, and heard with my own ears, in these past 2 decades. Even moreso in the past 4 years, coming from our, supposed, Church Leaders. The deceiver is good at what he does, but not for much longer!
A very powerful analysis of this sermon from the synagogue of Satan, Max!
Here's something you and others may not know. Dr. Campra in Mexico did an experiment and showed that vaccinated people emit MAC addresses, EVEN FROM THE GRAVE. Yes, even those who had been dead for awhile were still emitting! Most unvaccinated did not emit a MAC address. However, this is the exception; those who got a nasal swab but were not vaccinated also emitted MAC addresses. So, BEWARE, whatever technology that's in the covid vaccine is ALSO IN THE NASAL SWABS!
P.S. And we now know it is graphene oxide that assembles itself in the bloodstream. Anything that carries an electrical signal gives off emf and emf is what activates graphene oxide in blood. This is also the source of the MAC addresses that Dr. Campra found.
Everyone also needs to be aware that graphene oxide is now in all injectable dental anesthetics, in injectable insulin and in fillings.
For more on this, see Dr. Ana Mihalcea's work and the work of the researchers at La Quinta Columna in Spain.
What you just said may explain something that happened to me. I stopped being vaccinated in about 2006 after researching & learning more about the ingredients in vaccines & the potential side effects. So I haven’t had one in 18 years. None of any kind at all. And…..I have never been healthier since then (until recently). I did start taking lots of vitamins & supplements to build up my immune system. Evidently that worked well because I never had even so much as a mild cold in all of those years up until June 2022. At that time I did manage to contract an upper respiratory infection & it got pretty bad & I felt I needed antibiotics. I was 75 then. So….I went to an urgent care center to get an antibiotic. Because this was during Covid the Dr. insisted on a Covid test using a swab up my nose. A few weeks later I came down with Guillian Barre’ Syndrome. That’s a rare neurological disorder that paralyzes you & it takes months to years to recover from it. I was in the hospital for a month. Sometimes this syndrome is a side effect from vaccines. But I hadn’t had any vaccines since 2006. They say you can also get it from an infection or a stomach virus too. Well I did have the respiratory infection but for the last two years I felt like that wasn’t the real issue. I always wondered what might be on the end of those Covid nasal swabs. What you just said about those nasal swabs kind of confirms my suspicion about that; perhaps that is what caused my GBS after all. Not the respiratory infection. Hmmmmmm.
I developed a medical problem during covid where a small nest of spider veins on my face ulcerated and wouldn't heal. I also hadnt gotten a vaccine in probably a decade. I had been keeping abreast of what researchers were finding in the vac cine and vowed not to go to an allopathic doctor. So, I did a vast amount of online research of natural remedies and tried out quite a few. I read lots of scientific papers and eventually got it to heal, but with scars.
I haven't done any research on Guillaine Barr Syndrome, but I can tell you that there are lots of natural antibiotics. Every night, before bed, I chop a teaspoon of garlic, let it sit 10 minutes (important), then just swallow it. You definitely don't want to chew it, just swallow. Garlic is a super food that kills bacteria, viruses, worms and fungi and helps your heart. It has other beneficial functions also.
Have you ever heard or read anything about those Covid nose swabs used for testing for Covid? I’ve heard a rumor or two about them but nothing I can really confirm. I would love to figure out whether or not it could have been carrying something on it to cause my GBS. But….will probably never know for sure.
Are you familiar with Colloidal Silver. It’s also a great natural antibiotic & anti fungal too I believe. Silver Biotics is one good brand of it. It’s been used for a very long time. Can be ingested or applied topically. No taste. Tastes like water basically. I’ve had good luck with it for various problems. Lots of other natural remedies also. Wish I could find a truly good holistic doctor. Can’t stand Big Pharma & all their make you sicker medicines.
Did you read my comment about Dr. Campra's research in Mexico and about graphene in nasal swabs?
I've read about colloidal silver, but never used it. I'm more inclined towards using botanicals as medicines. God has given us an amazing abundance of plants that are beneficial for health and for treating disease. Have you ever just put "natural remedies for Guillaine Barre syndrome" into a search engine? I noticed garlic came up on a list among others of things that help.
I did read your comments about graphene oxide & that’s what’s making me think that the one nasal swab I had may in fact be what may have triggered my Guillain Barre’. I do several more natural treatments to try to help it. Heavy doses of all the B vitamins & B12 injections monthly. Also Alpha Lipoic Acid, Folate, Selenium, several different oils & creams for the neuropathy it causes. I also take large doses of Vitamin C, D & some zinc & elderberry & try to get outside into the natural sunlight some each day. That part is to boost my immune system & it has worked very well for about 18 years now. I never even had a cold or anything until 2022 when I had a respiratory infection & that finally made me seek medical help so I could get antibiotics. Since that was during the Covid fiasco the dr insisted on a covid nasal swab test which showed negative. But that is also when, about 6 weeks later, I got GBS. It seems like something in me was triggered then & my great health took a downward spiral that I’ve been fighting ever since. Of course I’m getting older now too (77). But was really healthy before this.
I will try the garlic like you mentioned. Does it have to be fresh whole garlic cloves? Or can you use the minced garlic in a jar & just swallow a teaspoon or so of it? I will also Google some more on natural remedies for Guillain Barre’ & see what else I may have missed. Thanks for your help! I appreciate it.
Majority of jarred garlic comes over in large vats and put into jars in the US. Fresh is always best. Look for garlic that has roots still attached. Those without cut off, come from overseas as well and are sprayed with chemicals to kill insects and bacteria. Look for locally grown if at all possible. Very important to read labels.
You must use fresh garlic. DON'T USE CHINESE GARLIC; often fertilized with human waste. And not already minced.
Slice thin slices, then chop these (about 1 teaspoon), then wait at least 10 minutes to let the chemical allicin develop. Then,swallow, don't chew, washing it down with some liquid. If you're sick, you can up your intake.
Also, go to Dr Ana Mihalcea's substack; she has protocols for cleaning graphene out of the body. She recommends methylene blue, among others, and I would research that some more before taking it.
Pastor Vincent Choo , definitely Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress and J.D. Greear.... sound like 501 C 3..... meaning.....Government Owned....Demons.....Bought and Paid for....What ever are they going to do with their 30 pieces of silver...
Another angle is that of identity. Those in Christ (His holy body-bride-church) find our superlative identity in Him. Like a good wife, we take His name fruitfully b/c, by His Holy Spirit, He has already taken us by His sovereign grace in the new birth.
What does that have to do with "anti-vaxxers"?
The Bible makes clear that there are only two identities that matter: In Christ vs. In Adam. As such, when anyone starts emphasizing identities, we ought to be wary. (This same old divisive 'play' is also being run on things like ethnicity and gender... just as it was in the first century.)
I'm radically, unapologetically anti-vax now.... but that ought not to be the main thing in the body of Christ; certainly not a reason for a pastor to put outside the camp those of us who questioned the murderous lies foisted on us so violently during crazy time.
You’re supposed to get vaccinated to protect YOURSELF, not to protect others. Vaccines don’t protect others from you, they protect you from the virus. If you are vaccinated then you have nothing to fear from others. If others are vaccinated they have nothing to fear from you. Just live your own lives and leave others out of your personal health decisions.
That is why they have been trying to sell the us on this idea of "public health" for about 20years now
As though we are responsible for the health of others...the "collective", and the government is responsible for encouraging(rather enforcing) that. So many have bought into the lies of the evil one. No one else is responsible for my health, nor do I want them to be!
Just like the lie they tell over and over about America being a "Democracy". We've never been a democracy, we were never to be ruled by a majority. Were founded as a Constitutional Republic, and was never decreed otherwise by We The People.
Why did Pastor Vincent Choo title his video "The Blindspot of Anti-Vaxxers?"
What blindspot?
Is it like what Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:1 about "Judge not, that ye be not judged?" Jesus elaborated on what he meant by that in:
Matthew 7:3 "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"
One cannot judge righteously if he beholds the mote that is in someone's eye, but considers not the beam that is in his own eye.
So, to title this video "The Blindspot of Anti-Vaxxers," that was Pastor Vincent passing righteous judgment on those he labelled Anti-Vaxxers thru this video, because we all have a "beam" in our eyes that is preventing us from seeing things clearly.
Of course, that is also to say he does not have this "beam" in his eyes like us. We all have this blindspot when we read from the bible, but he doesn't have this problem because he is a Pro-Vaxxer. He is a superior Christian and we must all listen to him or we are going to hell.
Most churches seem to be little more than tax exempt for profit organizations, so of course they will preach from the gospel of fauchi. One cannot serve both God and mammon, and too many showed over these past four years that they serve mammon
Nice one, “gospel of fauci.”
Worldly pragmatism has metastasized in the church to near-fatal levels.
Thank you Max, for the effort you put into your posts!!
The ‘religious leaders’ that took the placating path, will have to answer for it.
Agabus, Polycarp, and Irenaeus most likely would not be welcome in many of our modern ‘churches’.
We are in the fray.
So always pray.
While it is day.
Come what may.
Redemption is the Lord’s work. The victory is His.
Keep the full armor on, brother.
This Choo is not a preacher, but rather a predator.
Beautiful exposé my friend! This young man is young and is not aware of his programming and indoctrination. Thank you for piecing together relevant passages and the truth that I gather from the words to live in my own spiritual sensibility to nature and humanity
Not all calling Jesus as Lord shall enter the kingdom of God and I suppose this is the reason I don‘t go to church as it is filled with shepards like this one.
Don't blame God for the sin of man. There are good churches out there. Sadly in today's society, they are getting harder to find. Look for one that teaches the gospel and word of God / Bible.
And one whose members care about humanity by helping the homeless, the unfortunate, young confused pregnant mothers, the poor, the sick and not 💰 for big expensive elaborate churches!
Church priorities is what made me turn! You can congregate and worship in a barn🤷♂️
My mother worshipped her preacher m-f 5am in the privacy of her own home and she helped lots of unfortunate people.
Worship the Lord! It seems they worship themselves!
Thank you Max for the analysis.
I was disturbed by the video as the words and teachings were twisted to be almost cult-like… I believe he was/is deceived by the Beasts of the Sea and Earth and the dragon, the serpent of old, Satan.
The traditional interpretations of Revelation have caused many not to be alert and watch for the Beast System or the Four Horsemen.
Thank you for warning people and being a watchman on the wall. God Bless brother.
This guy is another dishonest fake Christian. And no. You dont have to be Christian to detect thr myriad of lies of the cabal he doesn't want to know about. And dont put subverted language into Jesus' mouth. Good luck staying alive among the dying all around you.
Perhaps the greatest danger of this century is when churches are blind like the Pharisees, and they cannot tell the difference between wolves and men of God.
And JESUS warned us these things would be the case. So difficult to conprehend the level of evil I have seen with my own eyes, and heard with my own ears, in these past 2 decades. Even moreso in the past 4 years, coming from our, supposed, Church Leaders. The deceiver is good at what he does, but not for much longer!
A very powerful analysis of this sermon from the synagogue of Satan, Max!
Here's something you and others may not know. Dr. Campra in Mexico did an experiment and showed that vaccinated people emit MAC addresses, EVEN FROM THE GRAVE. Yes, even those who had been dead for awhile were still emitting! Most unvaccinated did not emit a MAC address. However, this is the exception; those who got a nasal swab but were not vaccinated also emitted MAC addresses. So, BEWARE, whatever technology that's in the covid vaccine is ALSO IN THE NASAL SWABS!
P.S. And we now know it is graphene oxide that assembles itself in the bloodstream. Anything that carries an electrical signal gives off emf and emf is what activates graphene oxide in blood. This is also the source of the MAC addresses that Dr. Campra found.
Everyone also needs to be aware that graphene oxide is now in all injectable dental anesthetics, in injectable insulin and in fillings.
For more on this, see Dr. Ana Mihalcea's work and the work of the researchers at La Quinta Columna in Spain.
What you just said may explain something that happened to me. I stopped being vaccinated in about 2006 after researching & learning more about the ingredients in vaccines & the potential side effects. So I haven’t had one in 18 years. None of any kind at all. And…..I have never been healthier since then (until recently). I did start taking lots of vitamins & supplements to build up my immune system. Evidently that worked well because I never had even so much as a mild cold in all of those years up until June 2022. At that time I did manage to contract an upper respiratory infection & it got pretty bad & I felt I needed antibiotics. I was 75 then. So….I went to an urgent care center to get an antibiotic. Because this was during Covid the Dr. insisted on a Covid test using a swab up my nose. A few weeks later I came down with Guillian Barre’ Syndrome. That’s a rare neurological disorder that paralyzes you & it takes months to years to recover from it. I was in the hospital for a month. Sometimes this syndrome is a side effect from vaccines. But I hadn’t had any vaccines since 2006. They say you can also get it from an infection or a stomach virus too. Well I did have the respiratory infection but for the last two years I felt like that wasn’t the real issue. I always wondered what might be on the end of those Covid nasal swabs. What you just said about those nasal swabs kind of confirms my suspicion about that; perhaps that is what caused my GBS after all. Not the respiratory infection. Hmmmmmm.
I am so sorry about what happened to you. ☹️
I developed a medical problem during covid where a small nest of spider veins on my face ulcerated and wouldn't heal. I also hadnt gotten a vaccine in probably a decade. I had been keeping abreast of what researchers were finding in the vac cine and vowed not to go to an allopathic doctor. So, I did a vast amount of online research of natural remedies and tried out quite a few. I read lots of scientific papers and eventually got it to heal, but with scars.
I haven't done any research on Guillaine Barr Syndrome, but I can tell you that there are lots of natural antibiotics. Every night, before bed, I chop a teaspoon of garlic, let it sit 10 minutes (important), then just swallow it. You definitely don't want to chew it, just swallow. Garlic is a super food that kills bacteria, viruses, worms and fungi and helps your heart. It has other beneficial functions also.
Have you ever heard or read anything about those Covid nose swabs used for testing for Covid? I’ve heard a rumor or two about them but nothing I can really confirm. I would love to figure out whether or not it could have been carrying something on it to cause my GBS. But….will probably never know for sure.
Are you familiar with Colloidal Silver. It’s also a great natural antibiotic & anti fungal too I believe. Silver Biotics is one good brand of it. It’s been used for a very long time. Can be ingested or applied topically. No taste. Tastes like water basically. I’ve had good luck with it for various problems. Lots of other natural remedies also. Wish I could find a truly good holistic doctor. Can’t stand Big Pharma & all their make you sicker medicines.
Did you read my comment about Dr. Campra's research in Mexico and about graphene in nasal swabs?
I've read about colloidal silver, but never used it. I'm more inclined towards using botanicals as medicines. God has given us an amazing abundance of plants that are beneficial for health and for treating disease. Have you ever just put "natural remedies for Guillaine Barre syndrome" into a search engine? I noticed garlic came up on a list among others of things that help.
I did read your comments about graphene oxide & that’s what’s making me think that the one nasal swab I had may in fact be what may have triggered my Guillain Barre’. I do several more natural treatments to try to help it. Heavy doses of all the B vitamins & B12 injections monthly. Also Alpha Lipoic Acid, Folate, Selenium, several different oils & creams for the neuropathy it causes. I also take large doses of Vitamin C, D & some zinc & elderberry & try to get outside into the natural sunlight some each day. That part is to boost my immune system & it has worked very well for about 18 years now. I never even had a cold or anything until 2022 when I had a respiratory infection & that finally made me seek medical help so I could get antibiotics. Since that was during the Covid fiasco the dr insisted on a covid nasal swab test which showed negative. But that is also when, about 6 weeks later, I got GBS. It seems like something in me was triggered then & my great health took a downward spiral that I’ve been fighting ever since. Of course I’m getting older now too (77). But was really healthy before this.
I will try the garlic like you mentioned. Does it have to be fresh whole garlic cloves? Or can you use the minced garlic in a jar & just swallow a teaspoon or so of it? I will also Google some more on natural remedies for Guillain Barre’ & see what else I may have missed. Thanks for your help! I appreciate it.
Majority of jarred garlic comes over in large vats and put into jars in the US. Fresh is always best. Look for garlic that has roots still attached. Those without cut off, come from overseas as well and are sprayed with chemicals to kill insects and bacteria. Look for locally grown if at all possible. Very important to read labels.
You must use fresh garlic. DON'T USE CHINESE GARLIC; often fertilized with human waste. And not already minced.
Slice thin slices, then chop these (about 1 teaspoon), then wait at least 10 minutes to let the chemical allicin develop. Then,swallow, don't chew, washing it down with some liquid. If you're sick, you can up your intake.
Also, go to Dr Ana Mihalcea's substack; she has protocols for cleaning graphene out of the body. She recommends methylene blue, among others, and I would research that some more before taking it.
Pastor Vincent Choo , definitely Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress and J.D. Greear.... sound like 501 C 3..... meaning.....Government Owned....Demons.....Bought and Paid for....What ever are they going to do with their 30 pieces of silver...
Absolutely, Christ Consciousness knows this and cannot be stopped🙏🌎
They all work for the great whore of new Babylon Rev 17- the CHURCH( Catholic & Protestant) 🙏🌎
How long have you been working for the deep state ? May God have mercy on your soul.
He speak like a devil, think like a devil, preach like a devil!
Another angle is that of identity. Those in Christ (His holy body-bride-church) find our superlative identity in Him. Like a good wife, we take His name fruitfully b/c, by His Holy Spirit, He has already taken us by His sovereign grace in the new birth.
What does that have to do with "anti-vaxxers"?
The Bible makes clear that there are only two identities that matter: In Christ vs. In Adam. As such, when anyone starts emphasizing identities, we ought to be wary. (This same old divisive 'play' is also being run on things like ethnicity and gender... just as it was in the first century.)
I'm radically, unapologetically anti-vax now.... but that ought not to be the main thing in the body of Christ; certainly not a reason for a pastor to put outside the camp those of us who questioned the murderous lies foisted on us so violently during crazy time.
Excellent article and i believe you are 100% correct. Won’t be returning to the church for these reasons
You’re supposed to get vaccinated to protect YOURSELF, not to protect others. Vaccines don’t protect others from you, they protect you from the virus. If you are vaccinated then you have nothing to fear from others. If others are vaccinated they have nothing to fear from you. Just live your own lives and leave others out of your personal health decisions.
That is why they have been trying to sell the us on this idea of "public health" for about 20years now
As though we are responsible for the health of others...the "collective", and the government is responsible for encouraging(rather enforcing) that. So many have bought into the lies of the evil one. No one else is responsible for my health, nor do I want them to be!
Just like the lie they tell over and over about America being a "Democracy". We've never been a democracy, we were never to be ruled by a majority. Were founded as a Constitutional Republic, and was never decreed otherwise by We The People.