You Can't Hide the Dead Bodies

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“You Can't Hide the Dead Bodies,” according to Edward Dowd who testified on the COVID snakejabs. He further said:

“One America CEO Scott Davison, in a chamber of commerce meeting, revealed that he had seen 40% excess mortality … for 25 through 64. He said that a 10% increase would be once in a 200-year-flood or three standard deviation event. 40% was off the charts.”

Excess death data is so bad that the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) is changing its math methodology, which effectively downplays the real number of excess deaths.

Source: https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1762235701532238270?s=20

Download: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6712966_09828263_8052562

Meanwhile in Singapore:

The full data on deaths for 2023 are finally out.

The total number of deaths in 2023 is almost similar to 2022. Statistically speaking, over 4.8K more people have died in 2022 and 2023 as compared to 2020. If we compare to years prior to 2020, the figures may be even larger.

Source: facebook post by Goh Meng Seng

This is a graph putting together the new births versus deaths on a year-to-year basis for highly COVID-vaccinated Singapore. Have you noticed a trend in the data? A previous chart put up by Dr Gabriel Oon, our first-generation vaccine expert since LKY’s time shows:

He further testified in an interview: “Between 2021 and now, I have lost 34 senior medical colleagues. Most were working in institutions and had been vaccinated with Pfizer.”

PharmaFiles by Aussie17
My Story - By Professor Gabriel Oon
Dear Readers, today I bring to you a guest post by Professor Gabriel Oon, retired Professor of Medicine who worked as a WHO consultant and founding President of Singapore’s Society of Oncology. Please feel free to share and distribute! -Aussie17…
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Read the full interview in the above article.

It’s taking a long time, but the worms are crawling out of the cans, and corrupt institutions and politicians are scrambling to seal them back in!

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