The COVID agenda has every bit to do with American Christianity, which is not the Christianity of the Holy Bible, but an altered form of Christianity developed with an evil subculture subtly embedded in their doctrines, meant to change the worldview of the Holy Bible to one that is pro-Zionist.
And to think this was probably a trial run “scamdemic” etc etc. critical thinkers are rare.Brothers and sisters in Christ need to wake up! Good read! Thanks Max!
I used to attend a church at Tao chin rd, but I stop going for quite a long time. I’m curious about the thoughts of covid 19 vaccines mandate in that church, so I emailed the pastor. To my dismay, he also agreed for congregations being vaccinated.
Seems like all churches in Singapore abide to government law more than God’s law.
I left that church a year or two before COVID19 hits the shore. I could not agree with the dispensational doctrines they teach, plus the fact that the pastor did not really believe in the preservation of the perfect word of God in the English language. It grieved me everytime he touched my pain points during the sermons. I had no choice, but to make a choice between life and blessing and death and cursing:
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them."
I chose life and blessing, just like what I did when I left NCC.
Max, This transformation actually began centuries ago when Masonry really began to infiltrate the actual clergy and the "families" began sending their children to study at the seminaries . This was all orchestrated . The first annotated Bible also came out in the 19th century and was published by the Oxford Press in England. The Oxford Press has always been the publishing arm of the Fabian Society over there. This first annotated Bible is where all the extremely Zionist doctrine we see now actually originated. They took King James and twisted it to their liking with these "annotations".
Many churches as I understand it may have taken govt. incentive $$$ to push the jabs, (not sure if it’s a proven fact but it could explain why so many “Christian” sheeple went along with the manipulation and lies and took the toxic injections). A healthy 50ish pastor of a large evangelical congregation in my Cdn city had to fly a lot for congregational services in another province, and died suddenly after probably only two of the shots, so obviously there was also a total lack of hearing from or obeying the Holy Spirit. How could you be close to God and NOT hear His warning on the shots (!?!) Most praying Spirit-led people I know felt immediately warned by God NOT to get the experimental “vaccines”.
I had a vision in 2017, (I rarely have this happen) about two years before the plandemic. It was at a church my mom attended that had historically been quenching the Spirit, and also had a serious ugly history of abusing and kicking out their pastors, and no repentance for their actions. In the vision, I saw many coffins filling the church’s fellowship hall, and I told a pastor and his wife about it who had faced a fierce spiritual battle and rejection by this church. That same church today (after pushing the jabs and not allowing you to attend church without the shots) is near to closing its doors, and many have died or are very sick since taking the shots, including several formerly healthy young people.
Thank you, I appreciate the response. I knew the "goy" part but dojt understand the shabbos part. I never heard goyem be called that with the first part before.
In terms of Zionism, there is a huge amount of disinformation and hyperbole always flying around on this subject, most of it outright anti-Semitic. I think it’s important to understand and hear from a leading Messianic Jewish teacher like Amir Tsarfati of Israel on this subject what Zionism really is, and not to buy into the narrative that is often mistaken as truth that Zionists are murderous, hateful, etc.:
Jesus— Yeshua, was a Jew. Keep in mind that the Apostle Paul said all of Israel would be saved, and also that the Gentiles are grafted into the Vine…
(Romans 11:8-32 LEB)
8 just as it is written,
“God gave them a spirit of stupor,
eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear,
until this very day.”[a]
9 And David says,
“Let their table become a snare and a trap,
and a cause for stumbling and a retribution to them;
10 let their eyes be darkened so that they do not see,
and cause their backs to bend continually[b].”[c]
11 I say then, they did not stumble so that they fell, did they?[d] May it never be! But by their trespass, salvation has come to the Gentiles, in order to provoke them to jealousy.[e] 12 And if their trespass means riches for the world and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fullness mean?
Gentile Branches Grafted in
13 Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Therefore, inasmuch as I am apostle to the Gentiles, I promote my ministry, 14 if somehow I may provoke my people to jealousy and save some of them. 15 For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean except life from the dead? 16 Now if the first fruits are holy, so also is the whole batch of dough, and if the root is holy, so also are the branches.
17 Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although you[f] were a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the root of the olive tree’s richness, 18 do not boast against the branches. But if you boast against them, you do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 Then you will say, “Branches were broken off in order that I could be grafted in.” 20 Well said! They were broken off because of unbelief, but you stand firm because of faith. Do not think arrogant thoughts, but be afraid. 21 For if God did not spare the natural[g] branches, neither will he spare you.[h] 22 See, then, the kindness and severity of God: severity upon those who have fallen, but upon you the kindness of God—if you continue in his kindness, for otherwise you also will be cut off. 23 And those also, if they do not persist in unbelief, will be grafted in, because God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are natural branches[i] be grafted into their own olive tree?
See One For Israel to understand how God is bringing the Jewish people back to Him:
Wow! A lot to unpack here. I’m also against the mRNA jabs and how many “Bible Believing” churches folded to the lie (I’ve written books that include this subject); however to lump all evangelical churches in the same pot isn’t right. To somehow spin an anti-Jewish hatred into your argument as I guess a Christian yourself is unbelievable.
You do know Jesus was wrapped in Jewish flesh, you do know the Bible states in several places that God has written his name in Jerusalem, you do know the Bible states God gave Israel to the Jews and it would be their land forever, you do know by default as a Christian just by those three things you’re a Zionist.
The number 1 Bible prophecy that proves that we are living in the last days is the fact that the nation of Israel is back into existence after 2,000 years of non existence. No other nation has ever came back into existence much less 2,000 years after the fact, ever! The Bible states this would happen during the last days. I agree that the earth is almost 6,000 years old because the Bible states that Abraham was born 2,000 years after creation and 2,000 years prior to the coming messiah. It’s been about 2,000 years since Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. Add those together and you’re at 6,000 years.
Look the mRNA shots are terrible and the Bible states that Pharmakeia would be used in the last days as a form of deception. We need to continue to expose these lies. My biggest gripe in this article is the incorrect attitude and outlook we should have towards God’s chosen people the Jews. Read this publication I wrote a few months ago on this topic, I hope it educates some people who call themselves Christians.
Actually, I'm not just against the mRNA snakejabs, but all forms of vaccines in general. I am a professed anti-vaxxer for spiritual reasons. You may read my article below if you are keen:
I've been labeled an anti-semite by others because of my perceived anti-Jewish stand. Actually, I not against the Jewish people, even though I do not perceive them as the Jews the UN or the world government calls them. My persuasion is that the modern nation of Israel is part of a strategic subversion by the top levels of Satanism for the purpose of hijacking Christianity.
Strategic hijacking of Christianity by the Zionists
I do not see the modern of Israel as a fulfillment of bible prophecy that we are living in the last days. My persuasion, as I have shared in my articles, is that some very powerful people are playing God, working to bring the prophecies in the Bible to pass according to the dispensational doctrine. The article below is what I believe about the last days:
BTW, the bible did not explicitly say Jesus came in the Jewish flesh as a Jewish messiah, even though he was birth in the lineage of David. He gave his life for whosoever believeth in him — Jews and gentiles.
Thank you for pointing to your previous articles. I am going to read them. I am not afraid of differing viewpoints, and I know my views can change. I take all commentary with a grain of salt. My only purpose is to get to know, and form a close relationship with, the Lord My God.
Powerful people bringing Bible prophecy into fruition for a particular agenda is far fetched and actually minimizes the authority of God’s word to say the least, borderline blasphemous. The Bible states events would transpire prior to Jesus returning and the rapture of the Church which happens at the very end (post-trib). The Wicked will never understand last days events but the wise will…This is the Blessing and advantage we will have in order to navigate properly to continue getting the gospel out (Hosea 4:6). The Bible says events will happen, they will happen.
“Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”
Daniel 12:10
The last days is all about bringing the unbelieving Jews back into the fold of the church just like it was 2,000 years ago. Once this happens the rapture will happen. When the fullness of the Gentiles come in: when the last Gentile who accepts Jesus who is apart of the rapture will be when all Israel will be saved. The very end; Jesus will be coming back for his “full” bride. Jewish/Gentile church mix, just like it was 2,000 years ago.
“For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;”
Romans 11:25-26
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
Romans 1:16
God Bless brother, one thing is for sure we are living in an ever growing wicked world and man’s gift of managing this world is growing ever so closer to an end.
I too have posted a publication on the rapture you may be interested in.
"Powerful people bringing Bible prophecy into fruition for a particular agenda is far fetched and actually minimizes the authority of God’s word to say the least, borderline blasphemous...."
Actually, not too far fetched if you consider that Paul tells us in:
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Of course, there are many other articles I did on this subject, but these two are representative. BTW, I believe in a literal 1,000 years reign, and the resurrection of the unjust at the end of the 1,000 years.
I think his point was......"Nobody takes advantage of you without your permission"......are your beliefs weak so as not to withstand scrutiny?......
Where is it the writer indicated ignorance?......the Church in this country IS ASLEEP,granted not all......the Church ,imho has YET to achieve its rightful place on this earth
And to think this was probably a trial run “scamdemic” etc etc. critical thinkers are rare.Brothers and sisters in Christ need to wake up! Good read! Thanks Max!
Pray for God's elect.
I used to attend a church at Tao chin rd, but I stop going for quite a long time. I’m curious about the thoughts of covid 19 vaccines mandate in that church, so I emailed the pastor. To my dismay, he also agreed for congregations being vaccinated.
Seems like all churches in Singapore abide to government law more than God’s law.
So disappointed!
That was the church I left.
The same church? Is it the same pastor Rev. Quek Suan Yew?
I left that church a year or two before COVID19 hits the shore. I could not agree with the dispensational doctrines they teach, plus the fact that the pastor did not really believe in the preservation of the perfect word of God in the English language. It grieved me everytime he touched my pain points during the sermons. I had no choice, but to make a choice between life and blessing and death and cursing:
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them."
I chose life and blessing, just like what I did when I left NCC.
Testimony: "I would never be a Christian" ~ Max
It’s a blessing to choose life and obey God’s voice cause He is our Father in heaven. Amen.
Every word of God that God has preserved for us in the 1611 King James Bible.
Fully agreed.
Yes, that's the one.
The previous pastor Tow Siang Hwa is a very good preacher, since he is too old to preach I stop going there.
He passed away when I was there, in 2018.
Sorry my previous church is at 201 pandan gardens. 🙏 wrong address.
Max, This transformation actually began centuries ago when Masonry really began to infiltrate the actual clergy and the "families" began sending their children to study at the seminaries . This was all orchestrated . The first annotated Bible also came out in the 19th century and was published by the Oxford Press in England. The Oxford Press has always been the publishing arm of the Fabian Society over there. This first annotated Bible is where all the extremely Zionist doctrine we see now actually originated. They took King James and twisted it to their liking with these "annotations".
I did article on this previously.
I'm not surprised Max!
Many churches as I understand it may have taken govt. incentive $$$ to push the jabs, (not sure if it’s a proven fact but it could explain why so many “Christian” sheeple went along with the manipulation and lies and took the toxic injections). A healthy 50ish pastor of a large evangelical congregation in my Cdn city had to fly a lot for congregational services in another province, and died suddenly after probably only two of the shots, so obviously there was also a total lack of hearing from or obeying the Holy Spirit. How could you be close to God and NOT hear His warning on the shots (!?!) Most praying Spirit-led people I know felt immediately warned by God NOT to get the experimental “vaccines”.
I had a vision in 2017, (I rarely have this happen) about two years before the plandemic. It was at a church my mom attended that had historically been quenching the Spirit, and also had a serious ugly history of abusing and kicking out their pastors, and no repentance for their actions. In the vision, I saw many coffins filling the church’s fellowship hall, and I told a pastor and his wife about it who had faced a fierce spiritual battle and rejection by this church. That same church today (after pushing the jabs and not allowing you to attend church without the shots) is near to closing its doors, and many have died or are very sick since taking the shots, including several formerly healthy young people.
I’m of the 20%
Good read, thank you bro Max
Excellent write-up!
What is a shabbos goy? Like a white that has sold out to the Jews? I appreciate any help on this.
"Goy" comes from the word "goyim," meaning, people of non-Jewish origin, which the Jews refers to as cattle.
Thank you, I appreciate the response. I knew the "goy" part but dojt understand the shabbos part. I never heard goyem be called that with the first part before.
In terms of Zionism, there is a huge amount of disinformation and hyperbole always flying around on this subject, most of it outright anti-Semitic. I think it’s important to understand and hear from a leading Messianic Jewish teacher like Amir Tsarfati of Israel on this subject what Zionism really is, and not to buy into the narrative that is often mistaken as truth that Zionists are murderous, hateful, etc.:
Jesus— Yeshua, was a Jew. Keep in mind that the Apostle Paul said all of Israel would be saved, and also that the Gentiles are grafted into the Vine…
(Romans 11:8-32 LEB)
8 just as it is written,
“God gave them a spirit of stupor,
eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear,
until this very day.”[a]
9 And David says,
“Let their table become a snare and a trap,
and a cause for stumbling and a retribution to them;
10 let their eyes be darkened so that they do not see,
and cause their backs to bend continually[b].”[c]
11 I say then, they did not stumble so that they fell, did they?[d] May it never be! But by their trespass, salvation has come to the Gentiles, in order to provoke them to jealousy.[e] 12 And if their trespass means riches for the world and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fullness mean?
Gentile Branches Grafted in
13 Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Therefore, inasmuch as I am apostle to the Gentiles, I promote my ministry, 14 if somehow I may provoke my people to jealousy and save some of them. 15 For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean except life from the dead? 16 Now if the first fruits are holy, so also is the whole batch of dough, and if the root is holy, so also are the branches.
17 Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although you[f] were a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the root of the olive tree’s richness, 18 do not boast against the branches. But if you boast against them, you do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 Then you will say, “Branches were broken off in order that I could be grafted in.” 20 Well said! They were broken off because of unbelief, but you stand firm because of faith. Do not think arrogant thoughts, but be afraid. 21 For if God did not spare the natural[g] branches, neither will he spare you.[h] 22 See, then, the kindness and severity of God: severity upon those who have fallen, but upon you the kindness of God—if you continue in his kindness, for otherwise you also will be cut off. 23 And those also, if they do not persist in unbelief, will be grafted in, because God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are natural branches[i] be grafted into their own olive tree?
See One For Israel to understand how God is bringing the Jewish people back to Him:
Wow! A lot to unpack here. I’m also against the mRNA jabs and how many “Bible Believing” churches folded to the lie (I’ve written books that include this subject); however to lump all evangelical churches in the same pot isn’t right. To somehow spin an anti-Jewish hatred into your argument as I guess a Christian yourself is unbelievable.
You do know Jesus was wrapped in Jewish flesh, you do know the Bible states in several places that God has written his name in Jerusalem, you do know the Bible states God gave Israel to the Jews and it would be their land forever, you do know by default as a Christian just by those three things you’re a Zionist.
The number 1 Bible prophecy that proves that we are living in the last days is the fact that the nation of Israel is back into existence after 2,000 years of non existence. No other nation has ever came back into existence much less 2,000 years after the fact, ever! The Bible states this would happen during the last days. I agree that the earth is almost 6,000 years old because the Bible states that Abraham was born 2,000 years after creation and 2,000 years prior to the coming messiah. It’s been about 2,000 years since Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. Add those together and you’re at 6,000 years.
Look the mRNA shots are terrible and the Bible states that Pharmakeia would be used in the last days as a form of deception. We need to continue to expose these lies. My biggest gripe in this article is the incorrect attitude and outlook we should have towards God’s chosen people the Jews. Read this publication I wrote a few months ago on this topic, I hope it educates some people who call themselves Christians.
Thank you for your kind comment on my article.
Actually, I'm not just against the mRNA snakejabs, but all forms of vaccines in general. I am a professed anti-vaxxer for spiritual reasons. You may read my article below if you are keen:
Vaccines and the temple of God
I've been labeled an anti-semite by others because of my perceived anti-Jewish stand. Actually, I not against the Jewish people, even though I do not perceive them as the Jews the UN or the world government calls them. My persuasion is that the modern nation of Israel is part of a strategic subversion by the top levels of Satanism for the purpose of hijacking Christianity.
Strategic hijacking of Christianity by the Zionists
I do not see the modern of Israel as a fulfillment of bible prophecy that we are living in the last days. My persuasion, as I have shared in my articles, is that some very powerful people are playing God, working to bring the prophecies in the Bible to pass according to the dispensational doctrine. The article below is what I believe about the last days:
The Last Days (Acts 2:17)
BTW, I am strongly anti-dispensationalism in my approach to bible study, and I don't believe in a secret or pre-tribulation rapture:
Sequence of Events Leading to the Rapture
I also view dispensationalism as a false gospel:
The damnable gospel of dispensationalism
I believe dispensationalism is teaching rebellion against God:
Dispensationalism: Teaching Rebellion Against God
This article exposes the con-man CI Scofield, the Zionist's front-man for the gospel of dispensationalism:
A Little History: Cyrus I Scofield and the Tribulation, by Don Nicoloff
BTW, the bible did not explicitly say Jesus came in the Jewish flesh as a Jewish messiah, even though he was birth in the lineage of David. He gave his life for whosoever believeth in him — Jews and gentiles.
Have a good day.
New COVENANT with Christ Jesus...
The Church!....
The REMNANT.......
God abandoned that LAND over 1900 years ago....
JESUS is not coming back to save a worthless piece of land,HE is coming for US,HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL!!!
A PERSONAL relationship with HIM is required .....Amen and Praise Jesus!
Thank you for pointing to your previous articles. I am going to read them. I am not afraid of differing viewpoints, and I know my views can change. I take all commentary with a grain of salt. My only purpose is to get to know, and form a close relationship with, the Lord My God.
Yes. And thank you for your interests and being open minded. Rarely people do.
Powerful people bringing Bible prophecy into fruition for a particular agenda is far fetched and actually minimizes the authority of God’s word to say the least, borderline blasphemous. The Bible states events would transpire prior to Jesus returning and the rapture of the Church which happens at the very end (post-trib). The Wicked will never understand last days events but the wise will…This is the Blessing and advantage we will have in order to navigate properly to continue getting the gospel out (Hosea 4:6). The Bible says events will happen, they will happen.
“Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”
Daniel 12:10
The last days is all about bringing the unbelieving Jews back into the fold of the church just like it was 2,000 years ago. Once this happens the rapture will happen. When the fullness of the Gentiles come in: when the last Gentile who accepts Jesus who is apart of the rapture will be when all Israel will be saved. The very end; Jesus will be coming back for his “full” bride. Jewish/Gentile church mix, just like it was 2,000 years ago.
“For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;”
Romans 11:25-26
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
Romans 1:16
God Bless brother, one thing is for sure we are living in an ever growing wicked world and man’s gift of managing this world is growing ever so closer to an end.
I too have posted a publication on the rapture you may be interested in.
"Powerful people bringing Bible prophecy into fruition for a particular agenda is far fetched and actually minimizes the authority of God’s word to say the least, borderline blasphemous...."
Actually, not too far fetched if you consider that Paul tells us in:
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
I did some bible studies on that in:
Psalms 2:2 "The Kings of the Earth"
A Bible Study on Spiritual Warfare
Of course, there are many other articles I did on this subject, but these two are representative. BTW, I believe in a literal 1,000 years reign, and the resurrection of the unjust at the end of the 1,000 years.
The Resurrection of the Just and the Unjust
Satan would just love your substack Max.
So I am giving you an education.
Are there bad churches absolutely. They are all filled with people. We are all sinners. Are there some corrupt churches- Yes. Corrupt people- Yes.
Saying Covid was because of Americans Christianity- That is false. It is because of Satan,
Learn about the Khazarian Jews
Read about the Biblical Jews- Deuteronomy 14.2
Read : Revelation 3:9
Read: John 3:16
I am a Christian. Jesus Christ is My Personal Saviour.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of our sins. We believe, We repent of our sins and we live for him,
God is all about love.
Satan hates those who love God. He wants to seek and destroy us.
Have you read the whole Bible Max- Genesis to Revelation? I like the NKJV,
I am shining Jesus’s Light Max? Are you?
The purpose of this substack was to ?
Read: Matthew 7:3-5
Read: Luke 6:42
I pray that from now on that you will abide in Jesus.
Read the whole Bible. Instead of putting down Christians.
I think his point was......"Nobody takes advantage of you without your permission"......are your beliefs weak so as not to withstand scrutiny?......
Where is it the writer indicated ignorance?......the Church in this country IS ASLEEP,granted not all......the Church ,imho has YET to achieve its rightful place on this earth